Details on properties of general sequences

  • Name Property
    This property sets a particular name that is assigned to force guide sequences. You cannot create the force guide sequence with the same name.
    You can change the name. Set up 16 characters at the maximum. Please use alphanumeric characters and underscores [_]. Note: The initial character cannot be a numeric character.
  • Index Property
    This property displays a number of force guide sequence. This property is set and updated automatically. It cannot be edited.
    Minimum Value 1
    Maximum value 32
  • Description Property
    This property sets a description of force guide sequence. You can set the character string up to 255 characters.
  • Version Property
    This property sets a compatible version when running the force guide sequence.
    The force guide sequence operates with the functions supported by the specified version.
    7.4.0 The sequence operates with the functions supported by 7.4.0.
    7.5.1 The sequence operates with the functions supported by 7.5.0.
  • RobotNumber Property
    This property sets a robot number that uses a force guide sequence. An error occurs when executing the force guide sequence by the robot which is not specified.
    1 to 16 Robot number to use a force guide sequence.
    Default: Robot number specified in the sequence wizard.
  • RobotType Property
    This property is the robot types that use a force guide sequence. It is automatically set from the robot number specified by RobotNumber. It cannot be edited.
  • AutoStepID Property
    This property sets an automatic assignment of StepID in force guide object execution.
    When assigning a StepID automatically, it is set to the force guide sequence number*100 + the force guide object number.
    StepID is recorded to files that the force and the position during the force guide sequence execution is recorded. It is used to determine which interval corresponds to which force guide object.
    True Set StepID automatically.
    False Set a property value of StepID of each force guide object.
    Default: True
  • ResetSensor Property
    This property sets whether to reset a Force Sensor when starting force guide object other than Decision object and SPELFunc object for the first time in the force guide sequence.
    True Reset the Force Sensor when starting a force guide object other than Decision object and SPELFunc object.
    False Force Sensor is not reset.
    Default: True
  • MPNumber Property
    This property sets the number of Mass Property Object which is used during the force guide sequence execution.
    Mass Property Object is a collection of properties using for gravity compensation. You need to define Mass Property Object in advance. If an angle will change largely during the execution of the force guide sequence, make sure to specify the proper Mass Property Object.
    0 Turn OFF the gravity compensation.
    1 to 15 Use the specified Mass Property.
    Default: 0
  • ForceOrient Property
    This property specifies the direction of coordinate system that uses the force control functions during the force guide sequence execution.
    You can select from Base, Local, and Tool. Normally, specify the coordinate system that the direction you want to press or follow is either of X, Y, or Z.
    If Base or Local is specified, the direction to press or follow will not be changed even if the robot orientation changes.
    If Tool is specified, the direction to press or follow changes since the direction of Tool coordinate system changes when the robot orientation is changed.
    Base The direction of the coordinate system to which the force control function is applied is the Base coordinate system
    Local The direction of the coordinate system to which the force control function is applied is the Local coordinate system
    Tool The direction of the coordinate system to which the force control function is applied is the Tool coordinate system
    Default: Tool
  • RobotLocal Property
    This property specifies the Local coordinate system number of coordinate system that applies the force control functions during the force guide sequence execution.
    It is used when ForceOrient property is Local.
    0 (Base)

    Use the Local 0 coordinate system (Base coordinate system).

    It is the same as when specifying Base in ForceOrient.

    1 to 15 Use the Local coordinate system of the specified number.
    Default: 0 (Base)
  • RotationCenterType Property
    This property specifies the type of the rotation center which rotates due to the adjustments of the force control functions during the force guide sequence execution.
    When specifying CurrentTool, rotate around the selecting Tool coordinate system. When specifying Relative, rotate around the relative position from the Tool coordinate system which is specified below.
    RotationCenterTLX, RotationCenterTLY, RotationCenterTLZ
    CurrentTool Set a position of the currently selected Tool coordinate system as a center of rotation.
    Relative Set a position where is apart from the currently selected Tool coordinate system by the specified distance as a center of rotation.
    Default: CurrentTool
  • RotationCenterX Property
    When RotationCenterType is Relative, this property sets a distance in X direction to the rotation center of the force control function.
    It is the X direction of the Tool coordinate system which is selected in RobotTool.
    Value (Unit: [mm])
    Minimum Value -2000
    Maximum value 2000
    Default: 0
  • RotationCenterY Property
    When RotationCenterType is Relative, this property sets a distance in Y direction to the rotation center of the force control function.
    It is the Y direction of the Tool coordinate system which is selected in RobotTool.
    Value (Unit: [mm])
    Minimum Value -2000
    Maximum value 2000
    Default: 0
  • RotationCenterZ Property
    When RotationCenterType is Relative, this property sets a distance in Z direction to the rotation center of the force control function.
    It is the Z direction of the Tool coordinate system which is selected in RobotTool.
    Value (Unit: [mm])
    Minimum Value -2000
    Maximum value 2000
    Default: 0
  • LimitSpeedS Property
    This property sets the maximum speed during the execution of force guide sequence.
    The robot motion will change depending on applied force and torque when executing the force guide sequence since it is adjusted by the force control functions. However, it is restricted by the speed which is specified by this property.
    Value (unit: [mm/sec])
    Minimum Value 0.1
    Maximum value 250
    Default: 50
  • LimitSpeedR Property
    This property sets the maximum rotation speed during the execution of force guide sequence.
    The robot motion will change depending on applied force and torque when executing the force guide sequence since it is adjusted by the force control functions. However, it is restricted by the rotation speed which is specified by this property.
    Value (unit: [deg/sec])
    Minimum Value 0.1
    Maximum value 180
    Default: 25
  • LimitAccelS Property
    This property sets the maximum acceleration during the execution of force guide sequence.
    The robot motion will change depending on applied force and torque when executing the force guide sequence since it is adjusted by the force control functions. However, it is restricted by the acceleration which is specified by this property.
    Value (unit: [mm/sec2])
    Minimum Value 0.1
    Maximum value 25000
    Default: 200
  • LimitAccelR Property
    This property sets the maximum rotation acceleration during the execution of force guide sequence.
    The robot motion will change depending on applied force and torque when executing the force guide sequence since it is adjusted by the force control functions. However, it is restricted by the rotation acceleration which is specified by this property.
    Value (unit: [deg/sec2])
    Minimum Value 0.1
    Maximum value 5000
    Default: 100
  • LogRobotLocal Property
    For the positional orientation of the robot that is recorded during the force guide sequence execution, set a reference local coordinate system number.
    The position of the robot is recorded as that of Tool coordinate system as viewed from the Local coordinate system specified by this property.
    0 (Base) Use the Local 0 coordinate system (Base coordinate system).
    1 to 15 Use the Local coordinate system of the specified number.
    Default: 0 (Base)
  • LogFileEnabled Property
    This property sets whether to save the force, torque, and the position of the robot during the force guide sequence execution in files.
    When specifying True, value will be displayed in the graph on the monitor and saved in the files simultaneously. When specifying False, value will be displayed in the graph on the monitor. However, the value is not saved in the files.
    True Save the log data in a file.
    False The log data is not saved in a file.
    Default: False
  • LogFileAutoName Property
    This property sets whether to automatically set the file name that records force, torque, and the position of the robot during the force guide sequence execution.
    When specifying True, the file name is automatically set with the force guide sequence name + start time.
    Force guide sequence name_yyyymmdd_hhmmssfff.csv
    When specifying False, add ".csv" to the string in variables which is specified in LogFileNameVar to make it a file name.
    True Set the name of the log data file automatically.
    False Set a log data file name to the one which is specified by LogFileNameVar.
    Default: True
  • LogFileNameVar Property
    This property sets a global string variable that saves a file name which records force, torque, and the position of the robot during the force guide sequence execution.
    It is used when False is specified in LogFileAutoName. Add ".csv" to the string in variables and set it as a file name.
    None Not specified (automatically set)
    Variable name

    Value of the specified global string variable will be a file name.

    Only a string variable can be specified.

    Default: None
  • LogFileInterval Property
    This property sets the sampling period for the files that record force, torque, and the position of the robot during the force guide sequence execution.
    Value (unit: [sec])
    Minimum Value 0.002
    Maximum value 1
    Default: 0.2
  • LogFileMaxTime Property
    This property sets the maximum recording time for the files that record force, torque, and the position of the robot during the force guide sequence execution.
    If the specified recording time is shorter than the execution time of the force guide sequence, nothing is recorded in the file after the recording time is passed. note that
    Value (unit: [sec])
    Minimum Value 60
    Maximum value 600
    Default: 60
  • PointFile Property
    This property sets the point file name that is used during the force guide sequence execution.
    If the point file which is not specified by this property is loaded when the force guide sequence starts, an error occurs. This is a property for preventing a wrong operation.

    Not specified

    (Any point file whichever loads can be executed without checking it.)

    Point file name An error occurs when the specified point file is not loaded.
    Default: None
  • RobotTool Property
    This property sets the Tool coordinate system number that is used during the force guide sequence execution.
    If the Tool coordinate system number which is not specified by this property is selected when the force guide sequence starts, an error occurs. This is a property for preventing a wrong operation.
    0 to 15 An error occurs when the set tool number is not selected.
    Default: 0
  • PosCheckEnabled Property
    This property sets whether to check the position (X, Y, Z, U, V, W) when starting the force guide sequence.
    When specifying True, the force guide sequence starts when the specified conditions are satisfied. If the conditions are not satisfied, the force guide sequence ends as a failure without executing the force guide object. The next SPEL statement of FGRun is executed. When specifying False, the force guide object is executed surely without checking the position.
    True Check the position at the start.
    False You can start at any position without checking the position at the start.
    Default: False
  • OrientCheckEnabled Property
    This property sets whether to check the arm orientation (Hand, Elbow, Wrist) when starting the force guide sequence.
    When specifying True, the force guide sequence starts when it matches the specified arm orientation. If the arm orientations are not matched, the force guide sequence ends as a failure without executing the force guide object. The next SPEL statement of FGRun is executed.
    When specifying False, the force guide object is executed surely without checking the arm orientation.
    True Check the position at the start.
    False You can start at any position without checking the position at the start.
    Default: False
  • StartCheckPoint Property
    This property sets a reference point to check the arm orientation and the position when the force guide sequence starts. It is used when PosCheckEnabled is True.
    Minimum Value 0
    Maximum value 999
    Default: 0
  • StartPntTolLocal Property
    To check the position when the force guide sequence starts, this property sets Local coordinate system number to specify the available range.
    It is used when PosCheckEnabled is True. Only the axis direction is used. The origin position in Local coordinate system does not affect.
    0 (Base) Use the Local 0 coordinate system (Base coordinate system).
    1 to 15 Use the Local coordinate system of the specified number.
    Default: 0 (Base)
  • StartPntTolX Property
    To check the position when the force guide sequence starts, this property sets an available range in X direction.
    It is used when PosCheckEnabled is True.
    When the robot is between the position specified by StartCheckPoint and the position specified by this property in X direction of Local coordinate system specified by StartPntTolLocal, it is determined as conditions are satisfied. Conditions of each direction are determined as AND. Therefore, if one or more of X, Y, Z, or Rot is out of the range, it is determined as failure.
    Value (Unit: [mm])
    Minimum Value 0
    Maximum value 100
    Default: 0
  • StartPntTolY Property
    To check the position when the force guide sequence starts, this property sets an available range in Y direction.
    It is used when PosCheckEnabled is True.
    When the robot is between the position specified by StartCheckPoint and the position specified by this property in Y direction of Local coordinate system specified by StartPntTolLocal, it is determined as conditions are satisfied. Conditions of each direction are determined as AND. Therefore, if one or more of X, Y, Z, or Rot is out of the range, it is determined as failure.
    Value (Unit: [mm])
    Minimum Value 0
    Maximum value 100
    Default: 0
  • StartPntTolZ Property
    To check the position when the force guide sequence starts, this property sets an available range in Z direction.
    It is used when PosCheckEnabled is True.
    When the robot is between the position specified by StartCheckPoint and the position specified by this property in Z direction of Local coordinate system specified by StartPntTolLocal, it is determined as conditions are satisfied. Conditions of each direction are determined as AND. Therefore, if one or more of X, Y, Z, or Rot is out of the range, it is determined as failure.
    Value (Unit: [mm])
    Minimum Value 0
    Maximum value 100
    Default: 0
  • StartPntTolRot Property
    To check the position when the force guide sequence starts, this property sets an available range in the rotational direction.
    It is used when PosCheckEnabled is True.
    If the difference between the current orientation when the force guide sequence starts and the orientation (UVW) specified by StartCheckPoint is within the angle of the value specified by this property, it is determined as conditions are satisfied. Conditions of each direction are determined as AND. Therefore, if one or more of X, Y, Z, or Rot is out of the range, it is determined as failure.
    Value (unit: [deg])
    Minimum Value 0
    Maximum value 10
    Default: 0