PressProbe Object

The PressProbe object is a Force Guide object that presses a workpiece grasped by the robot against the work table or a workpiece on the work table while moving the robot along a specified trajectory and stopping when a hole or bump is detected.

This object is used for detection of fitting holes or positioning during assembly. Hole position or a convex shape can be detected stably even if the workpiece dimension or the grasp position of the workpiece have a margin of error. We recommend using the PressProbe object after the Contact object, the SurfaceAlign object, and the Press object.

The figure above describes the motion of the PressProbe object. From the contact state, the robot presses to a downward (white arrow) direction and moves along the blue trajectory to probe a hole.

The PressProbe object succeeds if the end conditions are satisfied while the robot is moving along the specified trajectory. The PressProbe object can use the end conditions related to force and position.

Each end condition sets whether to use in ForceCheckEnabled or PosCheckEnabled. More than one end condition is required for the PressProbe object. When several end conditions are set, you can select how to combine the end conditions from AND or OR in EndCheckOperator.

Each condition is as follows:

End condition
Success condition
End conditions related to force Satisfy either of the following before the robot moves in the specified trajectory:

When ProbeDetectType is Hole, and PressOrient is the Fx, Fy, and Fz:

The force in the specified direction exceeds ProbeDetectThresh.

When ProbeDetectType is Hole, and PressOrient is -Fx, -Fy, -Fz:

Force in the specified direction is less than ProbeDetectThresh.

When ProbeDetectType is Obstacle:

The square root of the sum of the squares of the force that is not specified by Press Orient exceeds ProbeDetectThresh

(E.g.: When pressing in the +Fz direction, sqr(FxFx+FyFy) exceeds ProbeDetectThresh.)

End conditions related to position Satisfy either one of the following before moving the robot moves in the specified trajectory:

When PosCheckType is RobotPlane:

Satisfy the state set by PlaneEndCondition for Plane set by PlaneNumber.

When PosCheckType is RelativePlane:

Satisfy the state set by PlaneEndCondition for the relative plane set by PlaneRelativeX, PlaneRelativeY, PlaneRelativeZ, PlaneRelativeOrg, PlaneRelativeOrient, PlaneAxes, PlaneRelativeRobotLocal.