BackColorMode Property
Applies To
Gets or sets the BackColorMode used for a button control.
GGet Form.Control.BackColorMode, var
GSet Form.Control.BackColorMode, value
- Form
- Name of a form or string variable containing a form name.
- Control
- Name of a control or string variable containing a control name.
- var
- Integer variable that will contain the value of the property.
- value
- Integer expression for the new value of the property.
0 - VisualStyle. Uses the system specified BackColor.
1 - User. Uses the specified BackColor.
Default: Visual Style
When BackColorMode is 0, the background color for the control is set by Windows, depending on the current theme.
When BackColorMode is 1, the background color is set by the BackColor property value.
See Also
BackColor, Button
GSet frmMain.btnOK.BackColorMode, BACKCOLORMODE_USER