EventTaskType Property
Applies To
Form, Button, Label, TextBox, RadioButton, CheckBox, ListBox, ComboBox, PictureBox, GroupBox, VideoBox, LED, ProgressBar, TrackBar, StatusBar, Grid , TabControl
Gets the task type of the function that starts with the event.
GGet Form.[Control].EventTaskType, var
- Form
- Name of a form or string variable containing a form name.
- Control
- Name of a control or string variable containing a control name.
- var
- Integer variable that will contain the value of the property.
0 - Normal
1 - NoPause
2 - NoEmgAbort
Default: Normal
When this property is set to 1 - NoPause, the event handler function is able to be run when other tasks are paused. When this property is set to 2 - NoEmgAbort, the event handler function is able to be run in the emergency stop state.
See Also
Form, Button, Label, TextBox, RadioButton, CheckBox, ListBox, ComboBox, PictureBox, GroupBox, VideoBox, LED, ProgressBar, TrackBar, StatusBar , TabControl
Integer Ttype
GGet frmMain.btnPause.EventTaskType, Ttype
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