FontName Property
Applies To
Button, Label, TextBox, RadioButton, CheckBox, ListBox, ComboBox, GroupBox, LED, StatusBar
Gets or sets the font name of the text used on a control.
GGet Form.Control.FontName, var
GSet Form.Control.FontName, value
- Form
- Name of a form or string variable containing a form name.
- Control
- Name of a control or string variable containing a control name.
- var
- String variable that will contain the value of the property.
- value
- String expression for the new value of the property.
A string containing the name of the font.
Default: Microsoft Sans Serif
See Also
Button, Label, TextBox, RadioButton, Checkbox, ListBox, ComboBox, GroupBox, LED, StatusBar, FontSize, FontItalic, FontBold
GSet frmMain.txtStatus.FontName, "Courier New"