

  • Be sure that all power sources and other cables to the unit are disconnected before working on the product.
  • Only qualified personnel (trained by Epson and with professional experience) are authorized to work on this device.
  • Do not plug or unplug cables of the system unless it is switched off.
  • Never modify the product. Unauthorized modification may cause the product to malfunction, resulting in injury, electric shock, fire, etc.
  • Turn off the power to the product in the event of power failure. Failure to do so may cause the product to suddenly start moving when the power is restored.
  • Do not use the product in a place where it may come in contact with water or oil droplets.


Do not access the housing of the system controls. Serious injury or death could result from electric shock. Only authorized personnel from Epson are allowed to access this part of the system for maintenance or for repair.


Build a safety system that shuts off the IF series power (S-Power) when the machine or mechanical system protection enclosure is opened.