ImportPoints Statement

Imports a point file into the current project for the specified robot.

ImportPoints sourcePath, filename [, robotNumber]


The string expression extension representing the specific folder or file you want to import into the current project is ".pts" or ".pnt" (EPSON RC+ 3.x / 4.x format). See ChDisk for the details.
The string expression extension is pts, which represents the specific file you want to import into the current project of the current robot. You cannot specify a file path and fileName doesn’t have any effect from ChDisk. See ChDisk for the details.
An optional expression specifying which robot is associated with the point file. If robotNumber = 0, then the point file is imported as a common point file. If robotNumber is omitted, the current robot number is used.

ImportPoints copies a point file into the current project and adds it to the project files for the specified robot. The point file is then compiled and is ready for loading using the LoadPoints command. If the file already exists for the current robot, it will be overwritten and recompiled.

The point data is stored in the Compact Flash inside of the controller. Therefore, ImportPoints starts writing into the Compact Flash. Frequent writing into the Compact Flash will shorten the Compact Flash lifetime. We recommend using ImportPoints only for saving the point data.

Potential Errors

  • File Does Not Exist

    If sourcePath does not exist, an error will occur.

  • A Path Cannot be Specified

    If fileName contains a path, an error will occur.

  • Point file for another robot.

    If fileName is a point file for another robot, an error will occur.

See Also
LoadPoints, Robot, SavePoints

ImportPoints Statement Example

Function main
  Robot 1
  ImportPoints "c:\mypoints\model1.pts", "robot1.pts"
  LoadPoints "robot1.pts"