OutReal Statement

The output data of real value is the floating-point data (IEEE754 compliant) of 32 bits. Set the status of output port 2 word (32 bits).

OutReal WordPortNumber, OutputData [,Forced]


Specify the I/O output word.
Specify the output data (Real type real number) as an expression or numeric value.
Optional. Usually omitted.

Outputs the specified IEEE754 Real value to the output word port specified by word port number and the following output word port. Output word label can be used for the word port number parameter.


  • Forced Flag

    This flag is used to turn On the I/O output at Emergency Stop and Safety Door Open from NoPause task or NoEmgAbort task (special task initiated by specifying NoPause or NoEmgAbort at Xqt).

    Carefully design the system because the I/O output changes by Emergency Stop and Safety Door Open.

See Also
In, InW, InBCD, InReal, Out, OutW, OpBCD, OutReal Function

OutReal Statement Example

OutReal 32, 2.543