UInt64 Statement

Declares variables of Uint64 type. (unsigned 8-byte integer variable).

Uint64 varName [(subscripts)] [, varName [(subscripts)]...]


Specify the variable name which the user wants to declare.
Maximum element number of the array variable
Optional. Dimensions of an array variable; up to 3 dimensions may be declared. The subscripts syntax is as follows Optional.
(ubound1, [ubound2], [ubound3])
ubound1, ubound2, ubound3 each specify the maximum upper bound for the associated dimension. The elements in each dimension of an array are numbered from 0 and the available number of array elements is the upper bound value + 1. When specifying the upper bound value, make sure the number of total elements is within the range shown below:

  • Local variable: 2,000
  • Global Preserve variable: 4,000
  • Global variable and module variable: 100,000

UInt64 is used to declare variables as integer type. Integer variables can contain values from 0 to 18446744073709551615. Local variables should be declared at the top of a function. Global and module variables must be declared outside functions.

See Also
Boolean, Byte, Double, Global, Int32, Int64, Integer, Long, Real, Short, String, UByte, UInt32, UShort

UInt64 Statement Example
The following example shows a simple program that declares some variables as integer type using UInt64.

Function uint64test
    UInt64 A(10)         'Single dimension array of UInt64 type
    UInt64 B(10, 10)     'Two dimension array of UInt64 type
    UInt64 C(5, 5, 5)    'Three dimension array of UInt64 type
    UInt64 var1, arrayvar(10)
    Integer i
    Print "Please enter an Integer Number"
    Input var1
    Print "The Integer variable var1 = ", var1
    For i = 1 To 5
        Print "Please enter an Integer Number"
        Input arrayvar(i)
        Print "Value Entered was ", arrayvar(i)
    Next i