Summary of SPEL+ Commands
The following is a summary of SPEL+ commands.
System Management Commands
Command | Description |
Reset | Resets the controller. |
SysConfig | Displays controller setup. |
SysErr | Returns the latest error status or warning status. |
Date | Sets the system date. |
Time | Sets system time. |
Date$ | Returns the system date as a string. |
Time$ | Returns system time as a string. |
Hour | Displays / returns controller operation time. |
Stat | Returns controller status bits. |
CtrlInfo | Returns controller information. |
RobotInfo | Returns robot information. |
RobotInfo$ | Returns robot text information. |
TaskInfo | Returns task information. |
TaskInfo$ | Returns task text information. |
DispDev | Sets the current display device. |
EStopOn | Return the Emergency Stop status. |
CtrlDev | Returns the current control device number. |
Cls | Clears the EPSON RC+ 6.0 Run, Operator, or Command window text area. Clears the TP print panel. |
Toff | Turns off execution line display on the LCD. |
Ton | Specifies a task which shows an execution line on the LCD. |
SafetyOn | Return the Safety Door open status. |
Eval | Executes a Command window statement from a program and returns the error status. |
ShutDown | Shuts down Epson RC+ and optionally shuts down or restarts Windows. |
TeachOn | Returns the Teach mode status. |
WindowsStatus | Returns the Windows startup status. |
History | Displays the history of the command execution. |
ClearHistory | Clears the history of the command execution. |
Robot Control Commands
command | Description |
AIO_TrackingSet | Set the distance tracking function |
AIO_TrackingStart | Start the distance tracking function |
AIO_TrackingEnd | End the distance tracking function |
AIO_TrackingOn Function | Returns the status of the distance tracking function. |
AtHome | Retunes if the current robot orientation is Home position or not. |
Calib | Replaces the current arm posture pulse values with the current CalPls values. |
CalPls | Specifies and displays the position and orientation pulse values for calibration. |
Hofs | Returns the offset pulses used for software zero point correction. |
JointAccuracy | Specifies and displays offset value of the axis correction accuracy |
HofsJointAccuracy | Returns the offset pulses used for software zero point correction. without changing the axis correction accuracy. |
MCal | Executes machine calibration for robots with incremental encoders. |
MCalComplete | Returns status of MCal. |
MCordr | Specifies and displays the moving joint order for machine calibration Mcal. Required only for robots with incremental encoders. |
EncTemper | Displays the encoder temperature. |
EncTemper Function | Returns the encoder temperature. |
Power | Sets / returns servo power mode. |
MHour Function | Returns the accumulated MOTOR ON time of the robot motors. |
Motor | Sets / returns motor status. |
SFree | Free joint the specified servo axis. |
SLock | Release free joint state of the specified servo axis. |
SyncRobots | Start the reserved robot motion. |
Jump | Jumps to a point using point to point motion. |
Jump3 | Jumps to a point using 3D gate motion. |
Jump3CP | Jumps to a point using 3D motion in continuous path. |
JumpTLZ | Jumps to a point using 3D gate motion. |
Arch | Sets / returns arch parameters for Jump motion. |
LimZ | Sets the upper Z limit for the Jump command. |
LimZMargin | Sets / returns the margin for error detection when the operation starts at the position higher than LimZ value. |
Sense | Sets / returns the condition to stop the manipulator above the target coordinate when Sense is specified by Jump command. |
JS | Returns status of Sense operation. |
JT | Returns the status of the most recent Jump command for the current robot. |
Go | Moves the robot to a point using point to point motion. |
Pass | Executes simultaneous four joint Point to Point motion, passing near but not through the specified points. |
Pulse | Moves the robot to a position defined in pulses. |
BGo | Executes Point to Point relative motion, in the selected local coordinate system. |
BMove | Executes linear interpolation relative motion, in the selected local coordinate system. |
TGo | Executes Point to Point relative motion, in the current tool coordinate system. |
TMove | Executes linear interpolation relative motion, in the selected tool coordinate system. |
Till | Specifies motion stop when input occurs. |
TillOn | Returns the current Till status. |
!…! | Process statements during motion. |
Speed | Sets / returns speed for point to point motion commands. |
Accel | Sets / returns acceleration and deceleration for point to point motion. |
SpeedFactor | Sets / returns speed for point to point motion commands. |
Inertia | Specifies or displays the inertia settings for the robot arm. |
Weight | Specifies or displays the weight settings for the robot arm. |
Arc | Moves the arm using circular interpolation. |
Arc3 | Moves the arm in 3D using circular interpolation. |
Move | Moves the robot using linear interpolation. |
Curve | Defines the data and points required to move the arm along a curved path. Many data points can be defined in the path to improve precision of the path. |
CVMove | Performs the continuous spline path motion defined by the Curve instruction. |
SpeedS | Sets / returns speed for linear motion commands. |
AccelS | Sets / returns acceleration and deceleration for linear motion. |
SpeedR | Sets / returns speed for tool rotation. |
AccelR | Sets / returns acceleration and deceleration for tool rotation. |
SpeedRLimitation | Sets and displays the movement speed limit in accordance with the tool rotation speed and returns the set value. |
AccelMax | Returns maximum acceleration value limit available for Accel. |
Brake | Turns brake on or off for specified joint of the current robot. |
Home | Moves robot to user defined home position. |
HomeClr | Clears the home position definition. |
HomeDef | Returns status of home position definition. |
HomeSet | Sets user defined home position. |
Hordr | Sets motion order for Home command. |
InPos | Checks if robot is in position (not moving). |
CurPos | Returns current position while moving. |
TCPSpeed | Returns calculated current tool center point velocity. |
Pallet | Defines a pallet or returns a pallet point. |
PalletClr | Clears a pallet definition. |
Fine | Specifies and displays the positioning error limits. (Unit: pulse) |
FineDist | Specifies and displays the positioning error limits (Unit: mm) |
FineStatus Function | Returns whether Fine or FineDist is used by the integer. |
QP | Sets / returns Quick Pause status. |
QPDecelR | Sets the deceleration speed of quick pause for the change of tool orientation during the CP motion. |
QPDecelS | Sets the deceleration speed of quick pause in the CP motion. |
CP | Sets CP (Continuous Path) motion mode. |
Box | Specifies and displays the approach check area. |
BoxClr | Clears the definition of approach check area. |
BoxDef | Returns whether Box has been defined or not. |
Plane | Specifies and displays the approach check plane. |
PlaneClr | Clears (undefines) a Plane definition. |
PlaneDef | Returns the setting of the approach check plane. |
InsideBox | Returns the check status of the approach check area. |
InsidePlane | Returns the check status of the approach check plane. |
GetRobotInsideBox | Returns a robot which is in the approach check area. |
GetRobotInsidePlane | Returns a robot which is in the approach check plane. |
Find | Specifies or displays the condition to store coordinates during motion. |
FindPos | Returns a robot point stored by Find during a motion command. |
PosFound | Returns status of Find operation. |
WaitPos | Waits for robot to decelerate and stop at position before executing the next statement while path motion is active. |
Robot | Selects the current robot. (Returns the robot number by Robot Function) |
RobotModel$ | Returns the robot model name. |
RobotName$ | Returns the robot name. |
RobotSerial$ | Returns the robot serial number. |
RobotType | Returns the robot type. |
TargetOK | Returns a status indicating whether or not the PTP (Point to Point) motion from the current position to a target position is possible. |
ROTOK Function | Returns whether an ROT modifier parameter can be added when issuing a move command to a destination. |
JRange | Sets / returns joint limits for one joint. |
Range | Sets limits for all joints. |
XYLim | Sets or displays the permissible XY motion range limits for the robot. |
XYLimClr | Clears the XYLim definition. |
XYLimDef | Returns whether XYLim has been defined or not. |
XYLimMode | Sets or displays the XYLim monitor method or returns the status. |
XY | Returns a point from individual coordinates that can be used in a point expression. |
Dist | Returns the distance between two robot points. |
DiffToolOrientation Function | Returns the angle between the coordinate axes of Tool coordinate systems. |
DiffPoint Function | Returns the difference between two specified points. |
PTPBoost | Specifies or displays the acceleration, deceleration and speed algorithmic boost parameter for small distance PTP (point to point) motion. |
PTPBoostOK | Returns whether or not the PTP (Point to Point) motion from a current position to a target position is a small travel distance. |
PTPTime | Returns the estimated time for a point to point motion command without executing it. |
CX | Sets / returns the X axis coordinate of a point. |
CY | Sets / returns the Y axis coordinate of a point. |
CZ | Sets / returns the Z axis coordinate of a point. |
CU | Sets / returns the U axis coordinate of a point. |
CV | Sets / returns the V axis coordinate of a point. |
CW | Sets / returns the W axis coordinate of a point. |
CR | Sets / returns the R axis coordinate of a point. |
CS | Sets / returns the S axis coordinate of a point. |
CT | Sets / returns the T axis coordinate of a point. |
Pls | Returns the pulse value of one joint. |
Agl | Returns joint angle at current position. |
PAgl | Return a joint value from a specified point. |
JA | Returns a robot point specified in joint angles. |
AglToPls | Converts robot angles to pulses. |
DegToRad | Converts degrees to radians. |
RadToDeg | Converts radians to degrees. |
Joint | Displays the current position for the robot in joint coordinates. |
JTran | Perform a relative move of one joint. |
PTran | Perform a relative move of one joint in pulses. |
RealPls | Returns the pulse value of the specified joint. |
RealPos | Returns the current position of the specified robot. |
RealAccel Function | Returns the Accel value automatically adjusted by OLAccel. |
PPls | Return the pulse position of a specified joint value from a specified point. |
LJM Function | Returns the point data with the orientation flags converted to enable least joint motion when moving to a specified point based on the reference point. |
AutoLJM | Sets the Auto LJM |
AutoLJM Function | Returns the state of the Auto LJM |
AutoOrientationFlag | Changes orientation flag of N6-A1000**. |
AutoOrientationFlag Function | Returns the state of the AutoOrientationFlag |
AvoidSingularity | Sets the Singularity avoiding function |
AvoidSingularity Function | Returns the state of the Singularity avoiding function |
SingularityAngle | Sets the singularity neighborhood angle for the singularity avoiding function |
SingularityAngle Function | Returns the singularity neighborhood angle for the singularity avoiding function |
SingularitySpeed | Sets the singularity neighborhood speed for the singularity avoiding function |
SingularitySpeed Function | Returns the singularity neighborhood speed for the singularity avoiding function |
SingularityDist | Sets the singularity neighborhood distance necessary for the singularity avoiding function. |
SingularityDist Function | Returns the singularity neighborhood distance necessary for the singularity avoiding function. |
AbortMotion | Aborts a motion command and puts the running task in error status. |
Align Function | Returns point data converted to align robot orientation with the nearest coordinate axis in local coordinate system. |
AlignECP Function | Returns point data converted to align robot orientation with a nearest coordinate axis in ECP coordinate system. |
SoftCP | Sets / returns SoftCP motion mode. |
SoftCP Function | Returns the status of SoftCP motion mode. |
Here | Teach a robot point at the current position. |
Where | Displays current robot position data. |
PerformMode | Sets the mode of the robot. |
PerformMode Function | Returns the robot performance mode number. |
VSD | Sets the variable speed CP motion of SCARA robots. |
VSD Function | Returns the variable speed CP motion setting of SCARA robots. |
CP_Offset | Sets the offset time to start the subsequent motion command when executing CP On. |
CP_Offset Function | Returns the offset time to start the subsequent motion command when executing CP On. |
AvgSpeedClear | Clears and initializes the average of the joint speed. |
AvgSpeed | Displays the average of the joint speed. |
AvgSpeed Function | Returns the average value of the joint speed. |
PeakSpeedClear | Clears and initializes the peak speed for one or more joints. |
PeakSpeed | Displays the peak speed values for the specified joint. |
PeakSpeed Function | Returns the peak speed for the specified joint. |
Torque Commands
command | Description |
TC | Returns the torque control mode setting and current mode. |
TCSpeed | Specifies the speed limit in the torque control. |
TCLim | Specifies the torque limit of each joint for the torque control mode. |
RealTorque | Returns the current torque instruction value of the specified joint. |
ATCLR | Clears and initializes the average torque for one or more joints. |
ATRQ | Displays the average torque for the specified joint. |
PTCLR | Clears and initializes the peak torque for one or more joints. |
PTRQ | Displays the peak torque for the specified joint. |
OLAccel | Sets up the automatic adjustment of acceleration/deceleration that is adjusted. |
OLRate | Display overload rating for one or all joints for the current robot. |
LimitTorque | Sets / returns the upper limit torque value in High power mode. |
LimitTorque Function | Returns the LimitTorque setting value. |
LimitTorqueLP | Sets / returns the upper limit torque value in Low power mode. |
LimitTorqueLP Function | Returns the LimitTorqueLP setting value. |
LimitTorqueStop | Specifies /returns whether or not to stop the robot when torque reaches the upper limit in High power mode. |
LimitTorqueStop Function | Returns the LimitTorqueStop setting value. |
LimitTorqueStopLP | Specifies / returns whether or not to stop the robot when torque reaches the upper limit in Low power mode. |
LimitTorqueStopLP Function | Returns the LimitTorqueStopLP setting value. |
Input / Output Commands
command | Description |
On | Turns an output on. |
Off | Turns an output off. |
Oport | Reads status of one output bit. |
Sw | Returns status of input. |
In | Reads 8 bits of inputs. |
InW | Returns the status of the specified input word port. |
InBCD | Reads 8 bits of inputs in BCD format. |
Out | Sets / returns 8 bits of outputs. |
OutW | Simultaneously sets 16 output bits. |
OpBCD | Simultaneously sets 8 output bits using BCD format. |
MemOn | Turns a memory bit on. |
MemOff | Turns a memory bit off. |
MemSw | Returns status of memory bit. |
MemIn | Reads 8 bits of memory I/O. |
MemOut | Sets / returns 8 memory bits. |
MemInW | Returns the status of the specified memory I/O word port. Each word port contains 16 memory I/O bits. |
MemOutW | Simultaneously sets 16 memory I/O bits. |
Wait | Wait for condition or time. |
TMOut | Sets default time out for Wait statement. |
TW | Returns the status of the Wait condition and Wait timer interval. |
Input | Receives input data from the display device and stored in a variable(s). |
InReal | Reads an input data of 2 words (32 bits) as a floating-point data (IEEE754 compliant) of 32 bits. |
Display characters on current display window. | |
Line Input | Input a string from the current display window. |
Input # | Allows string or numeric data to be received from a file, communications port, or database and stored in one or more variables. |
Print # | Outputs data to the specified file, communications port, database, or device. |
Line Input # | Reads data of one line from a file, communication port, database, or the device. |
Lof | Checks whether the specified RS-232 or TCP/IP port has any lines of data in its buffer. |
SetIn | For Virtual IO, sets specified input port (8 bits) to the specified value. |
SetInW | For Virtual IO, sets specified input port (16 bits) to the specified value. |
SetSw | For Virtual IO, sets specified input bit to the specified value. |
IOLabel$ | Returns the I/O label for a specified input or output bit, byte, or word. |
IONumber | Returns the I/O number of the specified I/O label. |
IODef | Returns whether the specified I/O label is defined. |
OpenCom | Open an RS-232 communication port. |
OpenCom Function | Acquires the task number that executes OpenCom. |
CloseCom | Close the RS-232C port that has been opened with OpenCom. |
SetCom | Sets or displays parameters for RS-232C port. |
ChkCom | Returns number of characters in the reception buffer of a communication port |
OpenNet | Open a TCP/IP network port. |
OpenNet Function | Acquires the task number that executes OpenNet. |
OutReal | Output the output data of real value as the floating-point data (IEEE754 compliant) of 32 bits to the output port 2 words (32 bits). |
CloseNet | Close the TCP/IP port previously opened with OpenNet. |
SetNet | Sets parameters for a TCP/IP port. |
ChkNet | Returns number of characters in the reception buffer of a network port |
WaitNet | Wait for TCP/IP port connection to be established. |
Read | Reads characters from a file or communications port. |
ReadBin | Reads binary data from a file or communications port. |
Write | Writes characters to a file or communication port without end of line terminator. |
WriteBin | Writes binary data to a file or communications port. |
InputBox | Displays a prompt in a dialog box, waits for the operator to input text or choose a button, and returns the contents of the box. |
MsgBox | Displays a message in a dialog box and waits for the operator to choose a button. |
RunDialog | Runs an Epson RC+ dialog from a SPEL+ program. |
LatchEnable | Enable / Disable the latch function for the robot position by the R-I/O input. |
LatchState Function | Returns the latch state of robot position using the R-I/O. |
LatchPos Function | Returns the robot position latched using the R-I/O input signal. |
SetLatch | Sets the latch function of the robot position using the R-I/O input. |
AIO_In Function | Reads analog value form analog I/O input channel. |
AIO_InW Function | Reads one word input data from analog I/O input channel. |
AIO_Out | Output analog value on the analog I/O output channel. |
AIO_Out Function | Returns the output state of analog I/O output channel. |
AIO_OutW | Output the one word data to analog I/O output channel. |
AIO_OutW Function | Returns the output state by one word of analog I/O output channel. |
AIO_Set | Output the speed information to analog I/O output channel. |
AIO_Set Function | Returns setting information of robot speed output which is set on optional analog I/O output channel. |
Point Management Commands
command | Description |
ClearPoints | Clears all point data in memory. |
LoadPoints | Loads point data from a file in memory. |
SavePoints | Saves point data to a file in memory. |
ImportPoints | Imports a point file into the current project for the specified robot. |
ExportPoints | Exports a point file to the specified path in the PC. |
P # | Defines a specified point. |
PDef | Returns the definition status of a specified point. |
PDel | Deletes specified position data. |
PLabel | Defines a label for a specified point. |
PLabel$ | Returns the point label associated with a point number. |
PNumber | Returns the point number associated with a point label. |
PList | Displays point data in memory for the current robot. |
PLocal | Sets the local attribute for a point. |
PDescription | Define a description of specified point data. |
PDescription$ | Returns description of point that defined to the specified point number |
WorkQue_Add | Adds the work queue data (point data and user data) to the specified work queue. |
WorkQue_AutoRemove | Sets the auto delete function to the specified work queue. |
WorkQue_AutoRemove Function | Returns the state of the auto delete function set to the work queue. |
WorkQue_Get Function | Returns the point data from the specified work queue. |
WorkQue_Len Function | Returns the number of the valid work queue data registered to the specified work queue. |
WorkQue_List | Displays the work queue data list (point data and user data) of the specified work queue |
WorkQue_Reject | Sets and displays the minimum distance for double registration prevention of the point data to the specified work queue |
WorkQue_Reject Function | Returns the distance of the double registration prevention set to the specified work queue |
WorkQue_Remove | Deletes the work queue data (point data and user data) from the specified work queue |
WorkQue_Sort | Sets and displays the Sort type of the specified work queue |
WorkQue_Sort Function | Returns the Sort type of the specified work queue |
WorkQue_UserData | Resets and displays the user data (real number) registered to the specified work queue |
WorkQue_UserData Function | Returns the user data (real number) registered to the specified work queue |
Coordinate Change Commands
command | Description |
AreaCorrection Function | Returns point at which correction was made using correction area |
AreaCorrectionClr | Clears correction area |
AreaCorrectionDef | Returns correction area settings |
AreaCorrectionInv Function | Returns corrected points to their original condition |
AreaCorrectionOffset Function | Returns points relatively displaced from corrected points |
AreaCorrectionSet | Sets and displays correction area |
Arm | Sets / returns current arm. |
ArmSet | Defines an arm. |
ArmDef | Returns status of arm definition. |
ArmClr | Clears an arm definition. |
ArmCalib | Sets and returns enable or disable of arm length calibration. |
ArmCalibClr | Clears arm length calibration. |
ArmCalibDef | Returns status of arm length calibration. |
ArmCalibSet | Defines and displays arm length calibration. |
Tool | Sets / returns the current tool number. |
TLSet | Defines or displays a tool coordinate system. |
TLDef | Returns status of tool definition. |
TLClr | Clears a tool definition. |
ECP | Sets / returns the current ECP number. |
ECPSet | Defines or displays an external control point. |
ECPDef | Returns status of ECP definition. |
ECPClr | Clears an ECP definition. |
Base | Defines and displays the base coordinate system. |
Local | Define a local coordinate system. |
LocalDef | Returns status of local definition. |
LocalClr | Clears (undefines) a local coordinate system. |
Elbow | Sets / returns elbow orientation of a point. |
Hand | Sets / returns hand (arm) orientation of a point. |
Wrist | Sets / returns wrist orientation of a point. |
J4Flag | Sets / returns the J4Flag setting of a point. |
J6Flag | Sets / returns the J6Flag setting of a point. |
J1Flag | Sets / returns the J1Flag setting of a point. |
J2Flag | Sets / returns the J2Flag setting of a point. |
J1Angle | Sets / returns the J1Angle setting of a point. |
J4Angle | Sets / returns the J4Angle setting of a point. |
VxCalib | Creates the calibration data. |
VxTrans | Converts the pixel coordinates to the robot coordinates and returns the converted the point data. |
VxCalInfo | Returns the calibration completion status / calibration data. |
VxCalDelete | Deletes the calibration data. |
VxCalSave | Saves the calibration data to the file. |
VxCalLoad | Loads the calibration data from the file. |
Program Control Commands
command | Description |
Function | Declare a function. |
For...Next | Executes one or more statements for a specific count. |
GoSub | Execute a subroutine. |
Return | Returns from a subroutine. |
GoTo | Branch unconditionally to a line number or label. |
Call | Call a user function. |
If…Then...Else...EndIf | Conditional statement execution. |
Else | Used with the If instruction to allow statements to be executed when the condition used with the If instruction is False. Else is an option for the If/Then instruction. |
Select ... Send | Executes one of several groups of statements, depending on the value of an expression. |
Do...Loop | Do...Loop construct. |
Declare | Declares an external function in a dynamic link library (DLL). |
Trap | Specify a trap handler. |
OnErr | Defines an error handler. |
Era | Returns the robot joint number for last error. |
Erf$ | Returns the function name for last error. |
Erl | Returns the line number of error. |
Err | Returns the error number. |
Ert | Returns the task number of error. |
Errb | Returns the robot number of error. |
ErrMsg$ | Returns the error message. |
Signal | Sends a signal to tasks executing WaitSig. |
SyncLock | Synchronizes tasks using a mutual exclusion lock. |
SyncUnlock | Unlocks a sync ID that was previously locked with SyncLock. |
WaitSig | Waits for a signal from another task. |
ErrorOn | Returns the error status of the controller. |
Error | Generates a user error. |
EResume | Resumes execution after an error-handling routine is finished. |
PauseOn | Returns the pause status. |
Exit | Exits a loop construct or function. |
Program Execution Commands
command | Description |
Xqt | Execute a task. |
Pause | Pause all tasks that have pause enabled. |
Cont | Resumes the controller after a Pause statement has been executed and continues the execution of all tasks. |
Halt | Suspend a task. |
Quit | Quits a task. |
Resume | Resume a task in the halt state. |
MyTask | Returns current task. |
TaskDone | Returns the completion status of a task. |
TaskState | Returns the current state of a task. |
TaskWait | Waits to for a task to terminate. |
Restart | Restarts the current main program group. |
Recover | Executes safeguard position recovery and returns status. |
RecoverPos | Returns the position where a robot was in when safeguard was open. |
StartMain | Executes the main function from a background task. |
Pseudo Statements
command | Description |
#define | Defines a macro. |
#ifdef ... #endif | Conditional compile. |
#ifndef ... #endif | Conditional compile. |
#include | Include a file. |
#undef | #Undefines an identifier previously defined with #define. |
File Management Commands
command | Description |
ChDir | Changes and displays the current directory. |
ChDisk | Sets the object disk for file operations. |
MkDir | Creates a subdirectory on a controller disk drive. |
RmDir | Removes an empty subdirectory from a controller disk drive. |
RenDir | Rename a directory. |
FileDateTime$ | Returns the date and time of a file. |
FileExists | Checks if a file exists. |
FileLen | Returns the size of a file. |
FolderExists | Checks if a folder exists. |
FreeFile | Returns / reserves a file number that is currently not being used. |
Del | Deletes one or more files. |
Copy | Copies a file to another location. |
Rename | Renames a file. |
AOpen | Opens file in the appending mode. |
BOpen | Opens file in binary mode. |
ROpen | Opens a file for reading. |
Uopen | Opens a file for read / write access. |
WOpen | Opens a file for writing. |
Input # | Allows string or numeric data to be received from a file, communications port, or database and stored in one or more variables. |
Print # | Outputs data to the specified file, communications port, database, or device. |
Line Input # | Reads data of one line from a file, communication port, database, or the device. |
Read | Reads characters from a file or communications port. |
ReadBin | Reads binary data from a file or communications port. |
Write | Writes characters to a file or communication port without end of line terminator. |
WriteBin | Writes binary data to a file or communications port. |
Seek | Changes position of file pointer for a specified file. |
Close | Closes a file. |
Eof | Returns end of file status. |
ChDrive | Changes the current disk drive for file operations. |
CurDir$ | Returns a string representing the current directory. |
CurDrive$ | Returns a string representing the current drive. |
CurDisk$ | Returns a string representing the current disk. |
Flush | Writes a file's buffer into the file. |
Fieldbus Commands
command | Description |
FbusIO_GetBusStatus | Returns the status of the specified Fieldbus. |
FbusIO_GetDeviceStatus | Returns the status of the specified Fieldbus device. |
FbusIO_SendMsg | Sends an explicit message to a Fieldbus device and returns the reply. |
Numeric Value Commands
command | Description |
Ctr | Return the value of a counter. |
CTReset | Resets a counter. |
ElapsedTime | Measures a takt time. |
ResetElapsedTime | Resets and starts a takt time measurement timer. |
Tmr | Returns the value of a timer. |
TmReset | Resets a timer to 0. |
Sin | Returns the sine of an angle. |
Cos | Returns cosine of an angle. |
Tan | Returns the tangent of an angle. |
Acos | Returns arccosine. |
Asin | Returns arcsine. |
Atan | Returns arctangent. |
Atan2 | Returns arctangent based on X, Y position. |
Sqr | Returns the square root of a number. |
Abs | Returns the absolute value of a number. |
Sgn | Returns the sign of a number. |
Int | Converts a real number to an integer. |
BClr | Clears one bit in a number and return the new value. |
BSet | Sets a bit in a number and returns the new value. |
BTst | Returns the status of 1 bit in a number. |
BClr64 | Clears one bit in a number and return the new value. |
BSet64 | Sets a bit in a number and returns the new value. |
BTst64 | Returns the status of 1 bit in a number. |
Fix | Returns the integer portion of a real number. |
Hex | Returns a string representing a specified number in hexadecimal format. |
Randomize | Initializes the random-number generator. |
Redim | Redimension an array at run-time. |
Rnd | Return a random number. |
UBound | Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array. |
String Commands
command | Description |
Asc | Returns the ASCII value of a character. |
Chr$ | Returns the character of a numeric ASCII value. |
Left$ | Returns a substring from the left side of a string. |
Mid$ | Returns a substring. |
Right$ | Returns a substring from the right side of a string. |
Len | Returns the length of a string. |
LSet$ | Returns a string padded with trailing spaces. |
RSet$ | Returns a string padded with leading spaces. |
Space$ | Returns a string containing space characters. |
Str$ | Converts a number to a string. |
Val | Converts a numeric string to a number. |
LCase$ | Converts a string to lower case. |
UCase$ | Converts a string to upper case. |
LTrim$ | Removes spaces from beginning of string. |
RTrim$ | Removes spaces from end of string. |
Trim$ | Removes spaces from beginning and end of string. |
ParseStr | Parse a string and return array of tokens. |
FmtStr | Format a number or string. |
FmtStr$ | Format a number or string. |
InStr | Returns position of one string within another. |
Tab$ | Returns a string containing the specified number of tabs characters. |
Logical Operators
command | Description |
And | Performs logical and bitwise AND operation. |
Or | Or operator. |
LShift | Shifts bits to the left. |
LShift64 | Shifts bits to the left. |
Mod | Modulus operator. |
Not | Not operator. |
RShift | Shifts numeric data to the right by a user specified number of bits. |
RShift64 | Shifts numeric data to the right by a user specified number of bits. |
Xor | Exclusive Or operator. |
Mask | Performs bitwise AND operation in Wait statements. |
Variable commands
command | Description |
Boolean | Declares Boolean variables. |
Byte | Declares byte variables. |
Double | Declares double variables. |
Global | Declares global variables. |
Int32 | Declares 4-byte integer variables. |
Integer | Declares 2-byte integer variables. |
Long | Declares long integer variables. |
Int64 | Declares 8-byte integer variables. |
Real | Declares real variables. |
Short | Declares 2-byte integer variables. |
String | Declares string variables. |
UByte | Declares unsigned integer variables. |
UInt32 | Declares unsigned 4-byte integer variables. |
UShort | Declares unsigned 2-byte integer variables. |
UInt64 | Declares unsigned 8-byte integer variables. |
Security Commands
command | Description |
Login | Log into Epson RC+ as another user. |
Conveyor Tracking Commands
command | Description |
Cnv_AbortTrack | Aborts tracking motion to a conveyor queue point. |
Cnv_Accel Function | Returns acceleration and deceleration for the conveyor. |
Cnv_Accel | Sets acceleration and deceleration for the conveyor. |
Cnv_AccelLim | Sets limit of acceleration and deceleration after the conveyor tracked. |
Cnv_AccelLim Function | Returns limit of acceleration and deceleration after the conveyor tracked. |
Cnv_Adjust | Sets whether operate to tracking delay of conveyor. |
Cnv_AdjustClear | Clear adjustment of tracking delay of conveyor. |
Cnv_AdjustGet Function | Returns adjustment of tracking delay of conveyor. |
Cnv_AdjustSet | Sets adjustment of tracking delay of conveyor. |
Cnv_Downstream Function | Returns the downstream limit for the specified conveyor. |
Cnv_Downstream | Sets the downstream limit for the specified conveyor. |
Cnv_Fine Function | Returns the current Cnv_Fine setting. |
Cnv_Fine | Sets the value of Cnv_Fine for one conveyor. |
Cnv_Flag Function | Returns the tracking state of the tracking abort line. |
Cnv_Mode Function | Returns the setting mode value of the conveyor |
Cnv_Mode | Sets the setting mode value of the conveyor |
Cnv_Name$ Function | Returns the name of the specified conveyor. |
Cnv_Number Function | Returns the number of a conveyor specified by name. |
Cnv_OffsetAngle | Sets the offset value for the conveyor queue data. |
Cnv_OffsetAngle Function | Returns the offset value of the conveyor queue data. |
Cnv_Point Function | Returns a robot point in the specified conveyor's coordinate system derived from sensor coordinates. |
Cnv_PosErr Function | Returns deviation in current tracking position compared to tracking target. |
Cnv_PosErrOffset | Sets an offset value to correct the deviation in current tracking position compared to tracking target. |
Cnv_Pulse Function | Returns the current position of a conveyor in pulses. |
Cnv_QueAdd | Adds a robot point to a conveyor queue. |
Cnv_QueGet Function | Returns a point from the specified conveyor's queue. |
Cnv_QueLen Function | Returns the number of items in the specified conveyor's queue. |
Cnv_QueList | Displays a list of items in the specified conveyor's queue. |
Cnv_QueMove | Moves data from upstream conveyor queue to downstream conveyor queue. |
Cnv_QueReject | Sets and displays the queue reject distance for a conveyor. |
Cnv_QueReject Function | Returns the current part reject distance for a conveyor. |
Cnv_QueRemove | Removes items from a conveyor queue. |
Cnv_QueUserData | Sets and displays user data associated with a queue entry. |
Cnv_QueUserData Function | Returns the user data value associated with an item in a conveyor queue. |
Cnv_RobotConveyor Function | Returns the conveyor being tracked by a robot. |
Cnv_Speed Function | Returns the current speed of a conveyor. |
Cnv_Trigger | Latches current conveyor position for the next Cnv_QueAdd statement. |
Cnv_Upstream Function | Returns the upstream limit for the specified conveyor. |
Cnv_Upstream | Sets the upstream limit for the specified conveyor. |
DB Commands
command | Description |
CloseDB | Close the database that has been opened with the OpenDB command and releases the file number. |
DeleteDB | Deletes data from the table in the opened database. |
OpenDB | Opens a database or Excel workbook. |
SelectDB | Searches the data in the table in an opened database. |
UpdateDB | Updates data of the table in the opened database. |
PG Commands
command | Description |
PG_FastStop | Stops the PG axes immediately. |
PG_LSpeed | Sets the pulse speed of the time when the PG axis starts accelerating and finishes decelerating. |
PG_Scan | Starts the continuous spinning motion of the PG robot axes. |
PG_SlowStop | Stops slowly the PG axis spinning continuously. |
Collision Detection Commands
command | Description |
CollisionDetect | Enables or disables the collision detection. |
CollisionDetect Function | Returns the setting value of CollisionDetect command. |
Parts Consumption Commands
command | Description |
HealthCalcPeriod | Sets the calculation period of parts consumption control. |
HealthCalcPeriod Function | Returns the calculation period of parts consumption control. |
HealthCtrlAlarmOn Function | Returns the status of the parts consumption alarm for the specified Controller parts. |
HealthCtrlInfo | Displays the remaining months before the recommended replacement time for the specified Controller parts. |
HealthCtrlInfo Function | Returns the remaining months before the recommended replacement time for the specified Controller parts. |
HealthCtrlRateOffset | Sets the offset for the consumption rate of the specified parts. |
HealthCtrlReset | Clears the consumption rate for the specified Controller parts. |
HealthCtrlWarningEnable | Sets enable or disable the parts consumption alarm notification of the Controller parts. |
HealthCtrlWarningEnable Function | Returns enable or disable the parts consumption alarm notification of the controller part. |
HealthRateCtrlInfo Function | Returns the consumption rate of the specified Controller parts. |
HealthRateRBInfo Function | Returns the consumption rate for the specified robot parts. |
HealthRBAlarmOn Function | Returns the status of the parts consumption alarm for the specified robot parts. |
HealthRBAnalysis | Displays the analysis result regarding the parts consumption (remaining months before the recommended parts replacement time) for the specified robot parts. |
HealthRBAnalysis Function | Returns the analysis result regarding the parts consumption (remaining months before the recommended parts replacement time) for the specified robot parts. |
HealthRBDistance | Displays the driving amount of the specified joint. |
HealthRBDistance Function | Returns the driving amount of the specified joint. |
HealthRBInfo | Displays the remaining months before the recommended replacement time for the specified robot parts. |
HealthRBInfo Function | Returns the remaining months before the recommended replacement time for the specified robot parts. |
HealthRBRateOffset | Sets the offset for the consumption rate of the specified parts. |
HealthRBReset | Clears the consumption rate for the specified robot parts. |
HealthRBSpeed | Displays the average speed of the specified joint. |
HealthRBSpeed Function | Returns the average of the absolute speed of the specified joint. |
HealthRBStart | Starts analysis of the parts consumption for the specified robot parts. |
HealthRBStop | Stops analysis of the parts consumption for the specified robot parts. |
HealthRBTRQ | Displays the torque value of the specified joint. |
HealthRBTRQ Function | Returns the torque value of the specified joint. |
HealthRBWarningEnable | Sets enable or disable the parts consumption alarm notification of the robot parts. |
HealthRBWarningEnable Function | Returns enable or disable the parts consumption alarm notification of the robot parts. |
Simulator Commands
command | Description |
SimSet | Sets the object settings, operations, and robot motions of simulator. |
SimGet | Acquires the setting values of simulator object. |
Hand Commands
For more details, refer to the following manual.
"Hand Function"
command | Description |
Hand_On | Gripper: Execute a gripping of hand. Electric screwdriver: Execute a tightening screw of hand. |
Hand_On Function | Gripper: Returns “True” when hand is gripping state. Electric screwdriver: Returns “True” when hand is complete to tighten screws. |
Hand_Off | Gripper: Execute releasing hand. Electric screwdriver: Execute loosen screw of the hand. |
Hand_Off Function | Gripper: Returns “True” when hand is releasing state. Electric screwdriver: Returns “True” when hand is complete to loosen screws. |
Hand_TW Function | Returns “True” when the most recent Hand_On command and Hand_Off command is time out. |
Hand_Def Function | Returns “True” when hand is defined. |
Hand_Type Function | Returns type number of the hand. |
Hand_Label$ Function | Returns label of the hand. |
Hand_Number Function | Returns hand number of the hand. |
Safety Function Commands
For more details, refer to the following manual.
"Robot Controller Safety Function Manual"
command | Description |
SF_GetParam Function | Returns information on the safety function parameters. |
SF_GetParam$ Function | Returns text information on the safety function parameters. |
SF_GetStatus Function | Returns the status bit of the safety function. |
SF_LimitSpeedS Statement | Sets and displays the speed adjustment value for the function that adjusts the speed at the position set by the Tool command when SLS is enabled. |
SF_LimitSpeedS Function | Returns the speed adjustment value of the function that adjusts the speed at the position set by the Tool command when SLS is enabled. |
SF_LimitSpeedSEnable Statement | Sets and displays On/Off for the function that adjusts the speed of the position set by the Tool command when SLS is enabled. |
SF_LimitSpeedSEnable Function | Returns the status of the function that adjusts the speed at the position set by the Tool command when SLS is enabled. |
SF_PeakSpeedS Statement | Displays the peak speed value for the speed monitoring point. |
SF_PeakSpeedS Function | Returns the peak speed value for the speed monitoring point. |
SF_PeakSpeedSClear Statement | Clears and initializes the peak speed value for the speed monitoring point. |
SF_RealSpeedS Statement | Displays the current speed of the speed monitoring point. |
SF_RealSpeedS Function | Returns the current speed of the speed monitoring point. |
VRT Commands
For more details, refer to the following manual.
"Vibration Reduction Technology"
command | Description |
VRT Statement | Select VRT number or display the selected VRT number. |
VRT Function | Returns the current VRT number. |
VRT_Clr Statement | Clear the definition of VRT function. |
VRT_CPMotion Statement | Specifies whether enable or disable VRT function during CP motion. |
VRT_CPMotion Function | Returns enable or disable VRT function during CP motion. |
VRT_Def Function | Returns definition status of selected VRT number. |
VRT_Description Statement | Define a description for selected VRT number. |
VRT_Description$ Function | Returns description of selected VRT number. |
VRT_Label Statement | Define a label to selected VRT number. |
VRT_Label$ Function | Returns label of selected VRT number. |
VRT_Number Function | Returns VRT number that corresponding VRT label. |
VRT_Set Statement | Define VRTParam1 and VRTParam2 of VRT function for each VRT number. |
VRT_Set Function | Returns definition value of VRTParam1 and VRTParam2 that is define for each VRT number. |
VRT_Trigger Statement | Output measurement trigger to VR software. |