Includes the specified file into the file where the #include statement is used.
#include "fileName.INC"
- fileName
- fileName must be the name of an include file enabled in the current project. All include files have the “.inc” extension. The filename specifies the file which will be included in the current file.
#include inserts the contents of the specified include file with the current file where the #include statement is used.
Include files are used to contain #define statements and global variable declarations.
The #include statement must be used outside of any function definitions.
An include file may contain a secondary include file. For example, FILE2 may be included within FILE1, and FILE3 may be included within FILE2. This is called nesting.
See Also
#define, #ifdef, #ifndef
#include Example
Include File (Defs.inc)
#define DEBUG 1
#define MAX_PART_COUNT 20
Program File (main.prg)
#include "defs.inc"
Function main
Integer i
Integer Parts(MAX_PART_COUNT)