Box Statement

Specifies and displays the approach check area.

(1) Box AreaNum [, robotNumber], minX, maxX, mixY, maxY, minZ, maxZ [localNumber]
(2) Box AreaNum, robotNumber, minX, maxX, mixY, maxY, minZ, maxZ, remote OutLogic [localNumber]
(3) Box AreaNum, robotNumber
(4) Box


Specify the number of the area to be set as an integer value from 1 to 15.
Specify the robot number as an integer value. If robotNumber is omitted in syntax (1), the current robot number is used. You cannot omit robotNumber in syntax (2) and (3).
Specify the X-coordinate value (real number) of the lower limit position of the area to be set as a number or an expression.
Specify the X-coordinate value (real number) of the upper limit position of the area to be set as a number or an expression.
Specify the Y-coordinate value (real number) of the lower limit position of the area to be set as a number or an expression.
Specify the Y-coordinate value (real number) of the upper limit position of the area to be set as a number or an expression.
Specify the Z-coordinate value (real number) of the lower limit position of the area to be set as a number or an expression.
Specify the Z-coordinate value (real number) of the upper limit position of the area to be set as a number or an expression.
remote OutLogic
On | Off
Set the Remote output logic. To set I/O output to On when the Box approaches, use On. To set I/O output to Off when the Box approaches, use Off. When the parameter is omitted, On will be used.
Specify the local coordinate system number from 0 to 15.
Be sure to add “/LOCAL” before the number. When the parameter is omitted, the local coordinate system number “0” will be used.

Return Values

  • When Syntax (3) is used, the area setting of the specified area is displayed.
  • When Syntax (4) is used, the area settings for all area numbers of the current robot are displayed.

Box is used to set the approach check area. The approach check area is for checking approaches of the robot end effector in the approach check area. The position of the end effector is calculated by the current tool. The approach check area is set on the base coordinate system of the robot or the local coordinate system specified by localNumber, and is between the specified maximum and minimum X, Y, and Z of the specified coordinate system.

When the approach check area is used, the system detects approaches in any motor power status during the controller is ON.

You can also use GetRobotInsideBox function or InsideBox function to get the result of the approach check. GetRobotInsideBox function can be used for wait condition of Wait command. You can provide the check result to the I/O by setting the remote output setting.

When several robots use one area, you should define the area from each robot coordinate system.

Symbol Description
a Lower limit of axes X, Y, Z
b Upper limit of axes X, Y, Z

Configure the Box 1 from Robot 1 position

Box 1, 1, 100, 200, 0, 100, 0, 100

Lower limit of axes X, Y, Z is (100, 0, 0) and upper limit is (200, 100, 100)

Configure the Box 2 from Robot 1 position

Box 1, 2, -200, -100, 0, 100, 0, 100

Lower limit of axes X, Y, Z is (-200, 0, 0) and upper limit is (-100, 100, 100)


  • Turning Off Approach Check Area by coordinate axis

    You can turn off the approach check area of each coordinate axis. To turn off only the Z axis, define minZ and maxZ to be 0. For example Box 1, 200, 300, 0, 500, 0, 0.

    In this case, it checks if the robot end effector is in the XY dimensional area.

  • Default values of Approach Check Area

    The default values for the Box statement are “0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0”. (Approach Check Area Checking is turned off.)

  • Tool Selection

    The approach check is executed for the current tool. When you change the tool, the approach check may display the tool approach from inside to outside of the area or the other way although the robot is not operating.

  • Additional axis

    For the robot which has the additional ST axis (including the running axis), the approach check plane to set doesn’t depend on the position of additional axis, but is based on the robot base coordinate system.


  • Set Box statement from Robot Manager

    The simplest method to set the Box values is by using the Box page on the Robot Manager .

See Also
BoxClr, BoxDef, GetRobotInsideBox, InsideBox, Plane

Box Statement Example
[Example 1] These are examples to set the approach check area using Box statement.

> Box 1, -200, 300, 0, 500, -100, 0

> Box
Box 1: 1, -200.000, 300.000, 0.000, 500.000, -100.000, 0.000, ON /LOCAL0

[Example 2] The following is a simple program to set the Box values by specifying the local coordinate system numbers 1 and 2.

Function SetBox

   Integer i

   Box 1, -200, 300, 0, 500, -100, 0 /LOCAL1

   i = 2
   Box 2, 100, 200, 0, 100, -200, 100 /LOCAL(i)
