OpenCom Statement

Open an RS-232 communication port.

OpenCom #portNumber


Specify the RS-232C port number to be opened as an integer value.
SPEL + Real Part
1 to 4
Windows Part
1001 to 1008

You need to connect the specified RS-232C port to the controller.

To use the SPEL+ real part ports, option I/O board must be installed to the Controller.

To use Windows part ports, RC+ setting must be done. For details, refer to the description regarding RC-232C in the following manual:
"Epson RC+ User’s Guide - [Setup] Menu"

See Also
ChkCom, CloseCom, SetCom

OpenCom Statement Example

Integer PortNo

PortNo = 1001
OpenCom #PortNo
Print #PortNo, "Data from COM1"
CloseCom #PortNo