QPDecelS Statement
Sets the deceleration speed of quick pause in the CP motion.
(1) QPDecelS QPDecelS [, departDecel, approDecel ]
(2) QPDecelS
- QPDecelS
- Specify the deceleration for quick pause in the CP motion with a real number value. (Unit: deg/sec2)
- departDecel
- Specify the deceleration for quick pause in the Jump3 depart operation with a real number value. (Unit: deg/sec2)
- approDecel
- Specify the deceleration for quick pause in the Jump3 approach operation with a real number value. (Unit: deg/sec2)
Return Values
If omitted the parameter, the current QPDecelS set value is displayed.
While quick pause is executed in the CP motion, a joint acceleration error may occur. This is because the deceleration speed of quick pause that is automatically set in a normal quick pause is over the joint allowable deceleration speed. Specifically, the error is likely to occur when the AccelS value in the CP motion is too high or jogging the robot near a singularity. In these cases, use the QPDecelS and set a lower quick pause deceleration speed. But if the setting is too low, the distance for quick pause will increase. Therefore, set the possible value. Normally, you don’t need to set QPDecelS.
You cannot use values lower than the deceleration speed of the CP motion set with AccelS. If you do, a parameter out of range error occurs.
Also, after you set QPDecelS, if a higher value than the set QP deceleration speed is set with the AccelS, the QPDecelS will automatically set the QP deceleration speed same as the deceleration speed set with the AccelS.
The QPDecelS Statement value initializes to the default max deceleration speed when any one of the following conditions occurs:
- Controller Startup
- Motor On
- SFree, SLock, Brake
- Reset or Reset Error is executed
- Task end by STOP switch or Quit All
See Also
QPDecelS Function, QPDecelR, AccelS
QPDecelS Statement Example
The following program sets the QPDecelS of the Move statement.
Function QPDecelTest
AccelS 3000
QPDecelS 4000
SpeedS 100
Move P1