Range Statement
Specifies and displays the motion limits for each of the servo joints.
(1) Range j1Min, j1Max, j2Min, j2Max, j3Min, j3Max, j4Min, j4Max [, j5Min, j5Max, j6Min, j6Max] [, j7Min, j7Max] [, j8Min, j8Max, j9Min, j9Max]
(2) Range
- j1Min
- The lower limit (unit: pulse) for Joint #1 specified in pulses.
- j1Max
- The upper limit (unit: pulse) for Joint #1 specified in pulses.
- j2Min
- The lower limit (unit: pulse) for Joint #2 specified in pulses.
- j2Max
- The upper limit (unit: pulse) for Joint #2 specified in pulses.
- j3Min
- The lower limit (unit: pulse) for Joint #3 specified in pulses.
- j3Max
- The upper limit (unit: pulse) for Joint #3 specified in pulses.
- j4Min
- The lower limit (unit: pulse) for Joint #4 specified in pulses.
- j4Max
- The upper limit (unit: pulse) for Joint #4 specified in pulses.
- j5Min
- Lower limit pulse value of Joint #5 (unit: pulse). This parameter is used for vertical 6-axis robots (including N-series) and joint type 6-axis robots only.
- j5Max
- Upper limit pulse value of Joint #5 (unit: pulse). This parameter is used for vertical 6-axis robots (including N-series) and joint type 6-axis robots only.
- j6Min
- Lower limit pulse value of Joint #6 (unit: pulse). This parameter is used for vertical 6-axis robots (including N-series) and joint type 6-axis robots only.
- j6Max
- Upper limit pulse value of Joint #6 (unit: pulse). This parameter is used for vertical 6-axis robots (including N-series) and joint type 6-axis robots only.
- j7Min
- Lower limit pulse value of Joint #7 (unit: pulse). This parameter is used for joint type 7-axis robots only.
- j7Max
- Upper limit pulse value of Joint #7 (unit: pulse). This parameter is used for joint type 7-axis robots only.
- j8Min
- Lower limit pulse value of Joint #8 (unit: pulse). This parameter is used for additional axis S joint robots only.
- j8Max
- Upper limit pulse value of Joint #8 (unit: pulse). This parameter is used for additional axis S joint robots only.
- j9Min
- Lower limit pulse value of Joint #9 (unit: pulse). This parameter is used for additional axis T joint robots only.
- j9Max
- Upper limit pulse value of Joint #9 (unit: pulse). This parameter is used for additional axis T joint robots only.
Return Values
Displays the current Range values when Range is entered without parameters
Range specifies the lower and upper limits of each motor joint in pulse counts. These joint limits are specified in pulse units. This allows the user to define a maximum and minimum joint motion range for each of the individual joints. XY coordinate limits can also be set using the XYLim instruction.
The initial Range values are different for each robot. The values specified by this instruction remain in effect even after the power is switched off.
When parameters are omitted, the current Range values are displayed.
Potential Errors
Attempt to Move Out of Acceptable Range
If the robot arm attempts to move through one of the joint limits error will occur.
Axis Does Not Move
If the lower limit pulse is equal to or greater than the upper limit pulse, the joint does not move.
Range of the lower/upper limits of Joint #6 in pulse differs depending on manipulator model
Refer to the movement area in the respective manipulator manual for the range.
See Also
JRange, SysConfig, XYLim
Range Statement Example
This simple example from the command window displays the current range configurations and then changes them.
> range
-18205, 182045, -82489, 82489, -36864, 0, -46695, 46695
> range 0, 32000, 0, 32224, -10000, 0, -40000, 40000