VxTrans Function

This command is only for use with external vision systems and cannot be used with Vision Guide.

Converts pixel coordinates to robot coordinates and returns the converted point data.

VxTrans (CalNo, P(pixel) [, P(camRobot)] ) As Point


Specify the calibration data number as an integer value. The range is from 0 to 15; up to 16 calibrations may be defined.
Specify the vision pixel coordinates (X, Y, U only) using point data.
Optional. For a mobile camera, this is the position where the robot was located when the image was acquired. If not specified, then the current robot position is used. The point should be in TOOL: 0 and ARM: 0.

Return Values
Returns the calculated robot coordinates using the point data.

This command converts pixel coordinates to robot coordinates using the calibration data of the specified calibration number.

When using a mobile camera, specify P(camRobot) if the robot has been moved from the position where the image was acquired. Ensure that P(camRobot) is in TOOL: 0 and ARM: 0. The Joint #4 and Joint #6 angles of the set robot coordinates are used for the calculation.

See Also
VxCalib, VxCalInfo Function, VxCalDelete, VxCalSave, VxCalLoad

VxTrans Function Example

P52 = VxTrans(0, P51, P50)