Important Notice Regarding Safety Functions

Specific tolerance value and requirements to ensure safety is written in each product’s manual. Be sure to read this as well.

When installing and operating this product, please do so in accordance with the safety standards of each country. Examples of related safety standards are specified in the following. Refer to these standards and be sure to take necessary safety measures.

Note) These standards are not the only safety standards that are necessary.

  • ISO 12100
    Safety of machinery -- General principles for design -- Risk assessment and risk reduction

  • IEC 60204-1
    Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines -- Part 1: General principles for design

  • IEC 61000-6-2
    Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -- Part 6-2: Generic standards -- Immunity for industrial environments

  • IEC 61000-6-4
    Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) --Part 6-4: Generic standards – Emission standard for industrial environments