Installing the Software and Manuals

First, make sure your PC is connected to the Internet.

  1. Insert the software disc which provided with the product into the PC. Execute EpsonRobotSoftwareInstallerSetup.exe in the disc and follow the instructions on the screen to start installation.


    • For the Epson Robot Software Installer installation, refer to the Epson Robot Software Installer manual which is directly under the disc.
    • If you get the Epson RC+ setup file from the Internet, the latest software and manuals installation are available.
  2. When the option selection appears, make sure that there is a check mark next to the manuals before proceeding.


    • Installation takes several minutes.
    • The manuals are available in PDF format. To view the manuals, use the PDF viewer included with Windows. You can also install Adobe Acrobat Reader or other PDF viewer.
  3. When the completion screen appears, installation is complete.


    If a message prompting you to restart appears, restart your PC.