DefectAreaExtended Property
Applies To
Vision Objects: ArcInspector, LineInspector
Sets / gets whether to use edge results within the defect thresholds to extend the area of the defect.
VGet Sequence.Object.DefectAreaExtended, var
VSet Sequence.Object.DefectAreaExtended, value
- Sequence
- Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
- Object
- Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the specified sequence.
- var
- Boolean variable that will contain the value of the property
- value
- Boolean value or expression for the new value of the property.
- 0 - False: Do not calculate extended defect area
- -1 - True: Calculate extended defect area
Default: False
When DefectAreaExtended is "True", the system extends the defect area using edge results that are within the defect level thresholds on either side of the found defect.
See Also
LineInspector Object, ArcInspector Object