EdgeRobotXYU Result

Runtime only

Applies To
Vision Objects: ArcFinder, LineFinder

Returns the RobotX, RobotY and Angle position coordinates of the edges found during the search.


VGet  Sequence.Object.EdgeRobotXYU(result), found, xVar, yVar, uVar
Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the specified sequence.
Boolean variable representing whether the edge was found.
Real variable that will contain the X coordinate position of the edge.
Real variable that will contain the Y coordinate position of the edge.
Real variable that will contain the angle of the edge search line in the robot world coordinate system.
Edge result number


  • found: True or False
  • xVar: Real number in millimeters
  • yVar: Real number in millimeters
  • uVar: Real number in degrees

LineFinder and ArcFinder use several edges to find a line or arc. You can get the position results for each of the searched edges in the robot world coordinate system by using EdgeRobotXYU.

You must set the CurrentResult property to the LineFinder (or ArcFinder) result whose edge results you want to retrieve. The number of edge results is equal to the NumberOfEdges property.

The EdgeRobotXYU result returns a position in the robot coordinate system and therefore can be used for robot guidance applications. The EdgeRobotXYU result xVar and yVar values are always returned in millimeters. The uVar value is always returned in degrees.

It should be noted that the EdgeRobotXYU result can only be calculated for vision sequences which have been calibrated with the robot coordinate system. If no calibration has been assigned to the vision sequence then the RobotXYU result cause an error to occur.

The EdgeRobotXYU result is available at runtime only.

See Also
ArcFinder Object, EdgeCameraXYU Result, EdgePixelXYU Result, LineFinder Object