FrameResult Property
Applies To
Vision Object: ArcFinder, ArcInspector, Blob, BoxFinder, CodeReader, ColorMatch, Contour, CornerFinder, Correlation, DefectFinder, Edge, Geometric, ImageOp, Line, LineFinder, LineInspector, OCR, Point, Polar
Sets and returns the result number of the frame to be used.
VGet Sequence.Object.FrameResult , var
VSet Sequence.Object.FrameResult , value
- Sequence
- String variable containing a sequence name.
- Object
- Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the specified sequence.
- var
- Integer variable that will contain the value of the property.
- value
- Integer value or expression for the new value of the property .
- All (use all results)
- 1 to n (use the specified result)
Default: 1
Sets the result of the Frame to be used. If the FrameResult property is set to All, the object will be used for all frame results.
See Also
Frame Object
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