TrueCond Property
Applies To
Vision Objects: Decision
Sets the condition for a Decision object to branch to True. Depending on a result of the vision object specified by ConditionObject property, the program proceeds to True branch.
VGet Sequence.Object.TrueCond, var
VSet Sequence.Object.TrueCond, value
- Sequence
- Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
- Object
- Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the specified sequence.
- var
- Integer variable that will contain the value of the property.
- value
- Integer expression for the new value of the property.
- 0 - TargetPassed
- If the Passed result of the target vision object is “True”, the sequence proceeds to the first step in the True branch.
- 1 - TargetFailed
- If the Passed result of the target vision object is “False”, the sequence proceeds to the first step in the True branch.
- 2 - TargetNoExec
- If the target vision object has not been executed, the sequence proceeds to the first step in the True branch.
Default: 0 - TargetPassed
The TrueCond Property sets which branch to execute according to the result of the set ConditionObject Property.
By specifying TrueCond as 0-TargetPassed or 1-TargetFailed, you can determine the direction of branching according to the value of the Passed result of the object set in ConditionObject Propety.
When TrueCond is specified as 2-TargetNoExec, the Passed result of the object set in ConditionObject is not referenced, and the direction of branching is determined only by whether it is executed or not. An object may not be executed if it is invalidated or if the Decision object does not go through the branch you set up.
See Also
Decision Object, ConditionObject Property