WEIGHT Setting


  • Set the total weight of the hand and the workpiece smaller than the maximum payload. The C8 series Manipulators can operate without limitations on the condition unless and until the load exceeds this maximum payload. Always set the Weight parameters of the WEIGHT command according to the load. Setting a value smaller than the actual weight may cause errors or impact that not only impair full functionality but also shorten the life of the mechanical components.

The acceptable weight capacity (hand + workpiece) for C8 series Manipulators is as follows:

Rated Maximum
3 kg 8 kg

Change the setting of the Weight parameter according to the load. After changing the Weight parameter setting, the maximum acceleration/deceleration and speed of the robot system is set automatically.

Setting method of Weight parameters
Select [Tools]-[Robot Manager]-[Weight] panel and set the value in [Weight:]. You may also execute the Weight command from [Command Window].

Load on the Manipulator
Mounting location of the load

C8-B901*** (C8L)

Symbol Description
a Load on the fore end of Arm #6
b Arm #5 deck
c Arm #3 deck

C8-B1401*** (C8XL)

Symbol Description
a Load on the fore end of Arm #6
b Arm #5 deck
c Arm #3 deck

Deck detailed (Units: mm)

Arm #5 deck Arm #3 deck

When you attach the equipment to the decks on the upper arm, convert its weight into equivalent weight assuming that the equipment is attached to the end of the Arm #6. Then, this equivalent weight added to the load will be a Weight parameter.

Calculate the Weight parameter by using the formula below and enter the value.

Weight Parameter Formula

Weight parameter = Mw+ Wa + Wb

  • Mw: Payload on the fore end of Arm #6 (kg)
  • Wa: Equivalent weight of the Arm #3 deck (kg)
  • Wb: Equivalent weight of the Arm #5 deck (kg)
  • Wa=Ma (La)2/(L)2
  • Wb=Mb (Lb)2/(L)2
  • Ma: Weight of the air valve on the Arm #3 deck (kg)
  • Mb: Weight of the camera on the Arm #5 deck (kg)
  • L: Length of the upper arm (315 mm)
  • La: Distance between the Joint #3 and the center of gravity of the air valve on the Arm #3 deck (mm)
  • Lb: Distance between the Joint #3 and the center of gravity of the camera on the Arm #5 deck (mm)

[Example] When the following loads apply to C8-B1401*** (C8XL) which fore end of the Arm #6 is 730 mm (L) away from the Joint #3 and payload (Mw) is 5 kg:

  • Load on the Arm #3 deck is 1.5 kg (Ma). The deck is 0 mm (La) away from the Joint #3.
  • Load on the Arm #5 deck is 1.0 kg (Mb). The deck is 690 mm (Lb) away from the Joint #3.

Wa=1.5 × 02/7302=0
Wb=1.0 × 6902/7302=0.89 → 0.9 (round up)

Enter "5.9" for the Weight parameter.

Automatic speed setting by Weight parameter
The percentage in the graph is based on the speed at rated weight (3 kg) as 100%.

C8-B901*** (C8L)

C8-B1401*** (C8XL)


Maximum AccelS setting value varies depending on Weight setting value. For details, refer to the following section.

C8 Specifications