ConditionStatus Result
Returns status of end condition achievement for a force guide object.
FGGet Sequence.Object.ConditionStatus, iVar
- Sequence
Force guide sequence name - Object
Force guide sequence name - iVar
Integer variable that shows a returned value
Bit | Results |
0 | Status of achievement of force-related end condition |
1 | Status of achievement of position-related end condition |
2 | Status of achievement of I/O-related end condition |
Bit values
- 0: Not achieved
- 1: Achieved
Detailed Explanation
Returns status of end condition achievement for a force guide object.
Force guide objects can use some of force-related, position-related, and I/O-related end conditions. The ConditionStatus result sets the corresponding bit to “1” if a condition is achieved, or “0” if a condition is not achieved. This result is used to branch processing according to which conditions are achieved.
Usage Example
The following is an example of a simple program that acquires a result with FGGet.
Function ConditionStatusTest
Integer iVar
Motor On
FGRun Sequence1
FGGet Sequence1.Press01.ConditionStatus, iVar ' Acquisition of ConditionStatus
If (iVar And &H01) <> 0 Then ' Processing when force-related condition is achieved
ElseIf (iVar And &H02) <> 0 Then ' Processing when position-related condition is achieved
See Also
FGGet, Contact object, Relax object, FollowMove object, SurfaceAlign object, PressProbe object, ContactProbe object, Press object, PressMove object, Paste object, ScrewTighten object, ScrewRetighten object, HeightInspect object, Insert object, TensileTest object