Number Property
Force Control Object FC#, Force Coordinate System Object FCS#, Force Trigger Object FT#, Force Monitor Object FM#,
Force Motion Restriction Object FMR#, Mass Property Object MP#
This references the number of the object by type.
Immediate Execution
FGet Object.Number, Var
MPGet MPObject.Number, Var
Force object name
The force object is specified as either of FC (label), FCS (label) FT (label), FM (label) or FMR (label).MPObject
Mass Property Object Name
The Mass Property Object is specified as MP (label).Var
A real number variable defining the value of the property
Detailed Explanation
This references the number of the object by type. This cannot be set.
This differs from the specifying of other properties and objects. Other properties can be specified by number and label.
For Number Property, objects are specified by label only.
See Also
Force Control Object FC#, Force Coordinate System Object FCS#,
Force Trigger Object FT#, Force Monitor Object FM#,
Force Motion Restriction Object FMR#, Mass Property Object MP#