Operator Property

Force Trigger Object FT#, Force Motion Restriction Object FMR#

This sets or returns the trigger conditions for Force Trigger Objects or Force Motion Restriction objects.

Immediate Execution

FGet Object.Operator, iVar
FSet Object.Operator, iValue

  • Object
    The object is specified as either of FT (numerical value), FMR (numerical value), FT (label) or FMR (label).

  • iVar
    An integer variable defining the value of the property

  • iValue
    An integer value or formula defining the new value of the property


Name of Constants Values Description
FG_OR 0 OR condition (default)
FG_AND 1 AND condition

Detailed Explanation
When OR conditions are selected, the trigger is pulled when any one of the conditions active in the XX_Enabled Property is met.
When AND conditions are selected, the trigger is pulled when all of the conditions active in the XX_Enabled Property are met.

Usage Example
This is an example of a program where the force trigger is pulled when the X axis and Y axis conditions are met.

Function Test_Operator
  Integer iVar
  FSet FT1.Fx_Enabled, True  ' Activates X axis
  FSet FT1.Fy_Enabled, True  ' Activates Y axis
  FSet FT1.Operator, FG_AND  ' Sets the trigger condition to an AND condition
  FGet FT1.Operator, iVar    ' Confirms the current trigger conditions
  Print iVar

See Also
Force Trigger Object FT#, Force Motion Restriction Object FMR#