[File] menu
A force file in the current project can be manipulated in Epson RC+ 8.0 - menu-[File].
[New File] (File Menu)
: Ctrl + N
Adds a new force file to the current project.
Select "Force" in [File Type] to display the force files in the project folder in [Existing Files].
[Open File] (File Menu)
: Ctrl + O
Opens at least one force file to be edited in the current project.
Select the [Force] button to display a list of the force files in the current project.
[Close File] (File Menu)
Ctrl + D
Closes the window of a force file or a force guide being edited.
[Save File] (File Menu)
Ctrl + S
Saves the latest file to the disk.
[Save As] (File Menu)
Saves a force file under a new name and adds it to the project.
The original file is removed from the project but remains on the disk.
You can use alphanumeric characters and underscore marks [ _ ].
[Delete File] (File Menu)
Deletes a force file in the project folder.
The file to be deleted must not be listed in the project.
[Import File] (File Menu)
Imports a force file or a force guide sequence from another Epson RC+ 8.0 project.
Pay attention to the following point for the file name.
- When importing a force file:
The force file to be imported must have an ".frc" extension - When importing a force guide sequence:
The force file to be imported must have a ".fg" extension
Importing a Force File
- Select "Force (*.frc)" from the file type list.
- Select the drive, folder, and file name to be imported.
A file that is already listed in the current project cannot be imported. Select a file that is not listed in the current project. - Click the [Open] button.
If a file with the same name is already listed in the project folder, a message confirming whether to overwrite the existing file appears. The file is copied to the current project folder.
Importing a Force Guide Sequence
- Select "Force Guide (*.fg)" from the file type list.
- Select the following information, including a force guide sequence to be imported.
Drive, folder, and file name - Click the [Open] button. The list of the force guide sequences which are included in the selected file is displayed
- Select the force guide sequence to be imported.
- Click the [OK] button.
If a file with the same name is already listed in the project folder, a message confirming whether to overwrite the existing file appears.
The force guide sequence is added to the current project.
[Exit] (File Menu)
Exits Epson RC+ 8.0.
If the force file or the force guide file is not saved, a dialog box confirming whether to save the file appears. Click either the [Yes], [No], or [Cancel] button.