GridEditor Property

Applies To

Opens a designer to set up the Grid control.

The GridEditor property can only be used at design time. Allows the user to set up the grid in order to meet their needs.

Setting Description
Add Column

Adds a column at the end of the grid.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 25

Add Row

Adds a row at the bottom of the grid.

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 10000

Allow Editing Sets whether the user can edit cells in the selected column at runtime.
Allow Resizing Sets whether the user can resize the selected column at runtime.
Back Color Sets the back color of the selected column.
Cell Alignment

Sets the alignment of the cell text.

Left: Aligns the cell text to the left of the column

Center: Aligns the cell text in the center of the column

Right: Aligns the cell text to the right of the column

Font Sets the font for the column headers.
Header Alignmnent

Sets the alignment of the column headers.

Left: Aligns the column name to the left of the column

Center: Aligns the column name in the center of the column

Right: Aligns the column name to the right of the column

Header Lines

Sets the amount of lines available in the column headers.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 3

Remove Column Removes the selected column.
Remove Row Removes the selected row.
Resize Method

Decides how to resize the columns in the grid whenever a column is added, removed, or resized.

Auto: Automatically resizes columns to fit the grid control.

Free: Each column has their own independent width.

Synchronized: Makes all of the columns the same size when a column is resized.

Row Count Sets/displays the number of rows in the grid. To manually change this value, type in the desired rows and click button.
Show Row Selectors Sets whether to show the row selectors that are located on the left side of the grid.
Width Sets/displays the width of the selected column. To manually change this value, Resize Method must not be Auto.

Use the designer to configure the grid and how it will first appear at runtime. You can add text to cells at designtime and/or add data at runtime.
Columns can be moved by dragging and dropping them to desired locations. They can also be swapped with other columns by using the drop down arrow in the column header.

See Also