Power Connection (24 VDC)

Use a standard M16 5-pole plug cable (female) to supply 24 VDC of power.

Pin Signal Cable Number (Option)
(1), (3) 24 VDC 1, 3
(2), (4) GND (Ground) 2, 4

Power Supply

Demand on Power Supply Hopper S Hopper M Hopper L
Supply Voltage (VDC) 24 +5% / -0% 24 +5% / -0% 24 +5% / -0%
Supply Current Capacity (A) 5 *1 10 *2 10 *2
*1 Hopper S properties
RMS current (amplitude 100%, maximum load): 2 A
Peak current (amplitude 100%, vibration start time): 4 A (10 ms)
*2 Hopper M and Hopper L properties
RMS current (amplitude 100%, maximum load): 4 A
Peak current (amplitude 100%, vibration start time): 9 A (10 ms)


Make sure of the following before turning on power to the hopper:

  • The distribution voltage and the specified supply voltage are the same.

  • PELV (Protected Extra Low Voltage) circuitry is used for the supply voltage.

  • The polarity is correct on the plug that connects to the 24 VDC interface.


It is recommended that each hopper have its own dedicated power source.