XY Function
Returns a point from individual coordinates that can be used in a point expression.
XY(x, y, z, u [, v, w])
- x
- Specify the X coordinate value as a real number value.
- y
- Specify the Y coordinate value as a real number value.
- z
- Specify the Z coordinate value as a real number value.
- u
- Specify the U coordinate value as a real number value.
- v
- Optional for 6-Axis robots (including N series). Real expression representing the V coordinate.
- w
- Optional for 6-Axis robots (including N series). Real expression representing the W coordinate.
Return Values
A point constructed from the specified coordinates.
When you don’t use the additional ST axis, there are nothing in particular to be care of.
You can move the manipulator to the specified coordinate with XY function like below: Go XY(60,30,-50,45)
When you use the additional ST axis, you need to be careful.
The XY function returns only the robot's point data excluding the additional axes.
If you specify Go XY (60,30,-50,45), the robot moves to the specified coordinate values, but the additional axis does not move. If you want to move the additional axis as well, specify like this: Go XY(60,30,-50,45) : ST( 10,20).
For more details, refer to the following manual. "Epson RC+ Users Guide: 21. Additional Axis"
See Also
JA, Point Expression, ST Function
XY Function Example
P10 = XY(60, 30, -50, 45) + P20