XYLim Statement
Sets or displays the permissible XY motion range limits for the robot.
XYLim minX, maxX, minY, maxY [, minZ] [, maxZ]
XYLim Statement
- Lower limit of X axis
- Specify the X-coordinate value (real number) of the lower limit position at which the manipulator can operate, as a numeric value or an expression.
- Upper limit of X axis
- Specify the X-coordinate value (real number) of the upper limit position at which the manipulator can operate, as a numeric value or an expression.
- Lower limit of Y axis
- Specify the Y-coordinate value (real number) of the lower limit position at which the manipulator can operate, as a numeric value or an expression.
- Upper limit of Y axis
- Specify the Y-coordinate value (real number) of the upper limit position at which the manipulator can operate, as a numeric value or an expression.
- Lower limit of Z axis
- Optional. The minimum Z coordinate position to which the manipulator may travel. (The manipulator may not move to a position with the Z Coordinate less than minZ.)
- Upper limit of Z axis
- Optional. The maximum Z coordinate position to which the manipulator may travel. (The manipulator may not move to a position with the Z Coordinate greater than maxZ.)
Return Values
Displays current XYLim values when used without parameters.
XYLim is used to define XY motion range limits. Many robot systems allow users to define joint limits but the SPEL+ language allows both joint limits and motion limits to be defined. In effect this allows users to create a work envelope for their application. (Keep in mind that joint range limits are also definable with SPEL.)
The motion range established with XYLim values applies to monitor method configured in XYLimMode command. For details of monitor method, refer to XYLimMode statement.
Robot parameter data is stored in compact flash in controller. Therefore, writing to the compact flash memory occurs when executing this command. Frequent writing to the compact flash memory affects the lifetime of the compact flash memory. We recommend limiting the use of this command at a minimum.
Turning Off Motion Range Checking
There are many applications which don't require Motion Range limit checking and for that reason there is a simple method to turn this limit checking off. To turn motion range limit checking off, define the Motion Range Limit values for minX, maxX, minY, and maxY to be “0”. For example XYLim 0, 0, 0, 0.
Default Motion Range Limit Values
The default values for the XYLim instruction are "0, 0, 0, 0". (Motion Range Limit Checking is turned off.)
Point & Click Setup for XYLim
Epson RC+ has a point and click dialog box for defining the motion range limits. The simplest method to set the XYLim values is by using the XYZ Limits page on the Robot Manager .
See Also
Range, XYLimMode
XYLim Statement Example
This simple example from the command window sets and then displays the current XYLim setting:
> xylim -200, 300, 0, 500
> XYLim
-200.000, 300.000, 0.000, 500.000