Line Input Statement

Reads input data of one line and assigns the data to a string variable.

Line Input stringVar$


Specify the string variable name. (the string variable must end with the $ character.)

Line Input reads input data of one line from the display device and assigns the data to the string variable used in the Line Input instruction. When the Line Input instruction is ready to receive data from the user, it causes a “?” prompt to be displayed on the display device. The input data line after the prompt is then received as the value for the string variable. After inputting the line of data press the [ENTER] key.

See Also
Input, Input #, Line Input#, ParseStr

Line Input Statement Example
The example below shows the use of Line Input.

Function Main
    String A$
    Line Input A$  'Read one line input data into A$
    Print A$

Run the program above using the F5 key or Run menu from Epson RC+ main screen. A resulting run session may be as follows:

?A, B, C
A, B, C