External Wiring

Signal alignment for USB camera cables
CN1 USB 2.0 High Speed
Mini USB Type B

Signal alignment for trigger cables
The picture above shows the rear panel of the USB camera. The trigger and strobe are connected to the JP3 receptacle.

Pin # Color Name Description
1 Purple T+ Trigger signal input
2 Blue T- Trigger signal input
3 Green S+ Strobe signal output
4 Yellow S- Strobe signal output
5 Orange - Not in use
6 Red - Not in use
7 Brown - Not in use
8 Black GND

JP3 trigger connector
JST: BM08B-SRSS-TB (Compatible plug: JST 08SR-3S)

Power Specifications for Trigger and Strobe
Strobe Output : Output Voltage: 4V to 24V Output Current: Max. 500 mA
Trigger Input : 3 to 24 V
Internal Circuit Diagrams for Trigger and Strobe

Trigger Input Circuit

Strobe Control Output Circuit

Trigger Timing

Symbol Description
a External Trigger Input
b Shutter Timing
c Strobe Output

t1 ExposureDelay: Min. 70 microseconds
t2 ExposureTime
t3 StrobeDelay Min 70 microseconds
t4 StrobeTime Min 140 microseconds
t5 External trigger prohibited zone
[Unit of t1 to t4: microsecond]


To use a NS1500BU/CU camera in “Strobe” mode (external trigger mode), an external strobe lighting is necessary.

If the strobe is not used, the camera works in the rolling shutter mode and cannot recognize moving objects correctly.