SPELVideo Control Properties
This control supports the properties listed below in addition to standard .NET component properties, such as Left, Top, Width, and Height. See the Visual Basic on-line Help for documentation on the standard properties.
- Camera
- GraphicsEnabled
- VideoEnabled
Camera Property, SPELVideo Control
Sets/gets the camera number to display video from. This is useful when you want to display video during jogging operations, live video monitoring, etc. If you are using the control to display graphics for vision sequences, then when the sequence is run, the camera number for the sequence will be used instead of this property value.
Property Camera As Integer
Default Value
0 – any camera is displayed
Return value
Integer value containing the current camera number
See Also
VideoEnabled, GraphicsEnabled
VB Example:
SpelVideo1.Camera = 1
C# Example:
SpelVideo1.Camera = 1;
GraphicsEnabled Property, SPELVideo Control
Sets / returns whether vision graphics are displayed after a sequence is run. In order to see graphics, you must attach the control to a Spel class instance using the SPELVideo Control property. This property can be set "on the fly" so that graphics can be turned on/off while sequences are being run.
Property GraphicsEnabled As Boolean
Default Value
Return value
True if vision graphics are displayed, False if not.
See Also
Camera, VideoEnabled
VB Example:
SpelVideo1.GraphicsEnabled = True
C# Example:
SpelVideo1.GraphicsEnabled = true;
VideoEnabled Property, SPELVideo Control
Determines whether video is displayed.
Property VideoEnabled As Boolean
Default Value
Return value
True if video is displayed, False if not.
See Also
Camera, GraphicsEnabled
VB Example:
SpelVideo1.VideoEnabled = True
C# Example:
SpelVideo1.VideoEnabled = true;