SpelArmDefMode Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
Rough | 1 | Define the arm using one posture. |
Fine | 1 | Define the arm using two postures. |
SpelArmDefType Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
J2Camera | 1 | Define the arm for a J2 mounted camera. |
SpelAxis Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
X | 1 | X axis. |
Y | 2 | Y axis. |
Z | 3 | Z axis. |
U | 4 | U axis. |
V | 5 | V axis. |
W | 6 | W axis. |
R | 7 | R axis. |
S | 8 | S axis. |
T | 9 | T axis. |
SpelBaseAlignment Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
XAxis | 0 | Align with X axis. |
YAxis | 1 | Align with Y axis. |
SpelCalPlateType Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
None | 0 | No calibration plate. |
Large | 1 | Large calibration plate. |
Medium | 2 | Medium calibration plate. |
Small | 3 | Small calibration plate. |
XSmall | 4 | Extra small calibration plate. |
SpelConnectionType Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
USB | 1 | USB connection. |
Ethernet | 2 | Ethernet connection. |
Virtual | 3 | Connection to virtual Controller. |
SpelDialogs Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description | |
RobotManager | 1 | ID for Tools | Robot Manager dialog |
ControllerTools | 2 | ID for Tools | Controller dialog |
VisionGuide | 3 | ID for Tools | Vision Guide dialog |
ForceGuide | 4 | ID for Tools | Force Guide dialog |
PartFeeding | 5 | ID for Tools | Part Feeding dialog |
SpelElbow Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
Above | 1 | Elbow orientation is above. |
Below | 2 | Elbow orientation is below. |
SpelEvents Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
Pause | 1 | ID for pause event. |
SafeguardOpen | 2 | ID for safeguard open event. |
SafeguardClose | 3 | ID for safeguard close event. |
ProjectBuildStatus | 4 | ID for project build status event. |
Error | 5 | ID for error event. |
6 | ID for print event. | |
EstopOn | 7 | ID for emergency stop on event. |
EstopOff | 8 | ID for emergency stop off event. |
Continue | 9 | ID for continue event. |
MotorOn | 10 | ID for motor on event. |
MotorOff | 11 | ID for motor off event. |
PowerHigh | 12 | ID for power high event. |
PowerLow | 13 | ID for power low event. |
TeachMode | 14 | ID for teach mode event. |
AutoMode | 15 | ID for auto mode event. |
TaskState | 16 | ID for task state event. |
Shutdown | 17 | ID for shutdown event. |
AllTasksStopped | 18 | ID for all tasks stopped event. |
Disconnected | 19 | ID for disconnection event. |
MotionStarted | 20 | ID for control command start event. |
MotionComplete | 21 | ID for control command complete event. |
SpelForceCompareType Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
LessOrEqual | 0 | Till is triggered when the force is less than or equal to the specified threshold. |
GreaterOrEqual | 1 | Till is triggered when the force is greater than or equal to the specified threshold. |
SpelForceProps Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
EndStatus | 28340 | End status for a Force Guide sequence or object. |
ForceCondOK | 28440 | Status of force-related end condition of a Force Guide object. |
IOCondOK | 28590 | Status of I/O-related end condition of a Force Guide object. |
PosCondOK | 28860 | Status of achievement of position-related end condition of a Force Guide object. |
Time | 29070 | Execution time for a Force Guide sequence or object. |
TimedOut | 29080 | Reached status to the timeout period of Force Guide object. |
LastExecObject | 30100 | Name of the Force Guide object that was executed at the end. |
MeasuredHeight | 30500 | Measured height of HeightInspect sequence. |
FailedStatus | 30510 | The reason why the force guide sequence failed. |
AvgForcesFx | 100211 | Average value of force in Fx direction during execution of a Force Guide object. |
AvgForcesFy | 100212 | Average value of force in Fy direction during execution of a Force Guide object. |
AvgForcesFz | 100213 | Average value of force in Fz direction during execution of a Force Guide object. |
AvgForcesTx | 100214 | Average value of force in Tx direction during execution of a Force Guide object. |
AvgForcesTy | 100215 | Average value of force in Ty direction during execution of a Force Guide object. |
AvgForcesTz | 100216 | Average value of for.ce in Tz direction during execution of a Force Guide object |
EndForcesFx | 102411 | Force in Fx direction at end of a Force Guide sequence or Force Guide object. |
EndForcesFy | 102412 | Force in Fy direction at end of a Force Guide sequence or Force Guide object. |
EndForcesFz | 102413 | Force in Fz direction at end of a Force Guide sequence or Force Guide object. |
EndForcesTx | 102414 | Force in Tx direction at end of a Force Guide sequence or Force Guide object. |
EndForcesTy | 102415 | Force in Ty direction at end of a Force Guide sequence or Force Guide object. |
EndForcesTz | 102416 | Force in Tz direction at end of a Force Guide sequence or Force Guide object. |
EndPosX | 102421 | Position at end of a Force Guide object (X coordinate). |
EndPosY | 102422 | Position at end of a Force Guide object (Y coordinate). |
EndPosZ | 102423 | Position at end of a Force Guide object (Z coordinate). |
EndPosU | 102424 | Position at end of a Force Guide object (U coordinate). |
EndPosV | 102425 | Position at end of a Force Guide object (V coordinate). |
EndPosW | 102426 | Position at end of a Force Guide object (W coordinate). |
PeakForcesFx | 105711 | Peak value of force in Fx direction during execution of a Force Guide sequence or object. |
PeakForcesFy | 105712 | Peak value of force in Fy direction during execution of a Force Guide sequence or object. |
PeakForcesFz | 105713 | Peak value of force in Fz direction during execution of a Force Guide sequence or object. |
PeakForcesTx | 105714 | Peak value of force in Tx direction during execution of a Force Guide sequence or object. |
PeakForcesTy | 105715 | Peak value of force in Ty direction during execution of a Force Guide sequence or object. |
PeakForcesTz | 105716 | Peak value of force in Tz direction during execution of a Force Guide sequence or object. |
TriggeredForcesFx | 109411 | Force in Fx direction when force-related end conditions of a Force Guide object are achieved. |
TriggeredForcesFy | 109412 | Force in Fy direction when force-related end conditions of a Force Guide object are achieved. |
TriggeredForcesFz | 109413 | Force in Fz direction when force-related end conditions of a Force Guide object are achieved. |
TriggeredForcesTx | 109414 | Force in Tx direction when force-related end conditions of a Force Guide object are achieved. |
TriggeredForcesTy | 109415 | Force in Ty direction when force-related end conditions of a Force Guide object are achieved. |
TriggeredForcesTz | 109416 | Force in Tz direction when force-related end conditions of a Force Guide object are achieved. |
TriggeredPosX | 109421 | Position for a Force Guide object when force-related end conditions are achieved (X coordinate). |
TriggeredPosY | 109422 | Position for a Force Guide object when force-related end conditions are achieved (Y coordinate). |
TriggeredPosZ | 109423 | Position for a Force Guide object when force-related end conditions are achieved (Z coordinate). |
TriggeredPosU | 109424 | Position for a Force Guide object when force-related end conditions are achieved (U coordinate). |
TriggeredPosV | 109425 | Position for a Force Guide object when force-related end conditions are achieved (V coordinate). |
TriggeredPosW | 109426 | Position for a Force Guide object when force-related end conditions are achieved (Z coordinate). |
SpelHand Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
Righty | 1 | Hand orientation is righty. |
Lefty | 2 | Hand orientation is lefty. |
SpelIOLabelTypes Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
InputBit | 1 | Specifies input bit. |
InputByte | 2 | Specifies input byte. |
InputWord | 3 | Specifies input word. |
OutputBit | 4 | Specifies output bit. |
OutputByte | 5 | Specifies output byte. |
OutputWord | 6 | Specifies output word. |
MemoryBit | 7 | Specifies memory bit. |
MemoryByte | 8 | Specifies memory byte. |
MemoryWord | 9 | Specifies memory word. |
InputReal | 10 | Specifies real number input. |
OutputReal | 11 | Specifies real number output. |
SpelLocalDefType Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
J5Camera | 1 | Defines the local for a J5 mounted camera. |
J6Camera | 2 | Defines the local for a J6 mounted camera. |
FixedUpwardCamera | 3 | Defines the local by using a fixed upward camera. |
FixedDownwardCamera | 4 | Defines the local by using a fixed downward camera. |
SpelOperationMode Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
Auto | 1 | Epson RC+ 8.0 is in auto mode. |
Program | 2 | Epson RC+ 8.0 is in program mode. |
SpelOptions Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
ECP | 1 | ECP option |
API | 2 | RC+ API option |
PCVision | 3 | PC Vision option |
ConveyorTracking | 5 | Conveyor tracking option |
GUIBuilder | 6 | GUI Builder option |
OCR | 7 | OCR option |
FieldbusMaster | 8 | Fieldbus master option |
LegacyForceSensing | 9 | Force sensing option |
PartFeeding | 11 | Part Feeding option |
ThirdPartyForceSensors | 13 | Third party force sensor option |
OPCUA | 4 | OPCUA option |
VRT | 10 | VRT option |
SafetyFunction | 17 | SafetyFunction option |
SpelOptionStatus Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
Inactive | 0 | Disable |
Active | 1 | Enable |
SpelRobotPosType Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
World | 0 | Specifies world coordinates. |
Joint | 1 | Specifies joint coordinates. |
Pulse | 2 | Specifies pulses. |
SpelRobotType Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
Joint | 1 | Robot type is joint. |
Cartesian | 2 | Robot type is Cartesian. |
Scara | 3 | Robot type is SCARA. |
Cylindrical | 4 | Robot type is Cylindrical. |
SixAxis | 5 | Robot type is 6-axis. |
RS | 6 | Robot type is SCARA RS series. |
N | 7 | Robot type is N. |
SpelShutdownMode Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
ShutdownWindows | 0 | Windows will be shutdown. |
RebootWindows | 1 | Windows will be rebooted. |
SpelSimObjectType Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
Unknown | -1 | Object type is not set. |
Layout | 0 | Layout object. |
Part | 1 | Parts object. |
MountedDevice | 3 | Arm mount device. |
SpelSimProps Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
PositionX | 100 | Position of X coordinate system. |
PositionY | 200 | Position of Y coordinate system. |
PositionZ | 300 | Position of Z coordinate system. |
RotationX | 400 | Rotation angle of X axis. |
RotationY | 500 | Rotation angle of Y axis. |
RotationZ | 600 | Rotation angle of Z axis. |
CollisionCheck | 700 | Sets enable/disable of collision detect. |
CollisionCheckSelf | 800 | Sets enable/disable of self-collision detect of the robot. |
Visible | 900 | State of display/non-display. |
Type | 1000 | Types of objects. |
HalfSizeX | 1500 | Length of Box object in X direction. |
HalfSizeY | 1600 | Length of Box object in Y direction. |
HalfSizeZ | 1700 | Length of Box object in Z direction. |
HalfSizeHeight | 1800 | Height of Plane object. |
HalfSizeWidth | 1900 | Width of Plane object. |
PlaneType | 2000 | Type of Plane object. |
Radius | 2100 | Radius of Sphere or Cylinder object. |
Height | 2200 | Height of Cylinder object. |
Name | 2300 | Names of objects. |
Color | 2400 | Display color of objects. |
SpelStopType Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
StopNormalTasks | 0 | Stop only normal tasks (not background tasks). |
StopAllTasks | 1 | Stop all tasks, including background tasks. |
SpelTaskState Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
Quit | 0 | Task is in the quit state. |
Run | 1 | Task is in the run state. |
Aborted | 2 | Task was aborted. |
Finished | 3 | Task was finished. |
Breakpoint | 4 | Task is at a breakpoint. |
Halt | 5 | Task is in the halt state. |
Pause | 6 | Task is in the pause state. |
Step | 7 | Task is being stepped. |
Walk | 8 | Task is being walked. |
Error | 9 | Task is in the error state. |
Waiting | 10 | Task is in the wait state. |
SpelTaskType Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
Normal | 0 | Task is a normal task. |
NoPause | 1 | Task is not affected by pause. |
NoEmgAbort | 2 | Task is not affected by emergency stop. |
SpelToolDefType Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
J4Camera | 1 | Define the tool for a J4 mounted camera. |
J6Camera | 2 | Define the tool for a J6 mounted camera. |
FixedCamera | 3 | Define the tool by using the fixed camera which is not calibrated. |
FixedCameraWithCal | 4 | Define the tool by using the upward camera which is calibrated. |
SpelToolDefType3D Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
Bar | 1 | Define a 3D tool for a bar. |
Plane | 2 | Define a 3D tool for a plane. |
SpelUserRights Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
All | -1 | User has all rights. |
None | 0 | User has no rights. |
EditSecurity | 1 | User can configure security. |
SysConfig | 2 | User can change system configuration. |
EditPrograms | 4 | User can edit programs. |
EditPoints | 8 | User can edit points. |
EditVision | 16 | User can change vision properties. |
JogAndTeach | 32 | User can Jog & Teach. |
CommandWindow | 64 | User can use the command window. |
EditRobotParameters | 128 | User can edit robot parameters.Change robot parameters. |
ConfigureOptions | 256 | User can configure options. |
ViewAudit | 512 | User can view the security audit log. |
EditProject | 1024 | User can edit the project configuration. |
DeleteAudit | 2048 | User can delete security audit log entries. |
TeachPoints | 4096 | User can teach points. |
ChangeOutputs | 8192 | User can change output status. |
ChangeMemIO | 16384 | User can change memory I/O status. |
EditGUIBuilder | 32768 | User can make changes in GUI Builder. |
EditForce | 65536 | User can make changes in Force Guide and Force Control. |
EditPartFeeding | 131072 | User can make changes in Part Feeding. |
SpelVDefShowWarning Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
None | -1 | Do not display a warning. |
Always | 0 | Always display a warning. |
DependsOnSpeed | 1 | Display when either RobotSpeed or RobotAccel is larger than 5. |
SpelVisionImageSize Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
Size320x240 | 1 | 320 x 240 image size. |
Size640x480 | 2 | 640 x 480 image size. |
Size800x600 | 3 | 800 x 600 image size. |
Size1024x768 | 4 | 1024 x 768 image size. |
Size1280x1024 | 5 | 1280 x 1024 image size. |
Size1600x1200 | 6 | 1600 x 1200 image size. |
Size2048x1536 | 7 | 2048 x 1536 image size. |
Size2560x1920 | 8 | 2560 x 1920 image size. |
Size3664x2748 | 9 | 3664 x 2748 image size. |
Size5472x3648 | 10 | 5472 x 3648 image size. |
Size4024x3036 | 11 | 4024 x 3036 image size. |
Size2448x2048 | 12 | 2448 x 2048 image size. |
SpelVisionObjectTypes Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
Correlation | 1 | Correlation object. |
Blob | 2 | Blob object. |
Edge | 3 | Edge object. |
Polar | 4 | Polar object. |
Line | 5 | Line object. |
Point | 6 | Point object. |
Frame | 7 | Frame object. |
ImageOp | 8 | ImageOp object. |
OCR | 9 | OCR object |
CodeReader | 10 | CodeReader object. |
Geometric | 11 | Geometric object. |
ColorMatch | 14 | Color Match object. |
LineFinder | 15 | Line Finder object. |
ArcFinder | 16 | Arc Finder object. |
DefectFinder | 17 | Defect Finder object. |
LineInspector | 18 | Line Inspector object. |
ArcInspector | 19 | Arc Inspector object. |
BoxFinder | 20 | Box Finder object |
CornerFinder | 21 | Corner Finder object |
Contour | 22 | Contour object |
Text | 23 | Text object |
Decision | 26 | Decision object |
Coordinates | 27 | Coordinates object |
SpelVisionProps Enumeration
This enumeration is for all vision properties and results. Refer to the Vision Guide Reference manual for details.
SpelWindows Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
IOMonitor | 1 | ID for the I/O Monitor window. |
TaskManager | 2 | ID for the Task Manager window. |
ForceMonitor | 3 | ID for the Force Monitor window. |
Simulator | 4 | ID for the Simulator window. |
SpelWrist Enumeration
Member name | Value | Description |
NoFlip | 1 | Wrist orientation is no flip. |
Flip | 2 | Wrist orientation is flip. |