SpelPoint Class

The SpelPoint class can be used in several motion methods and also in the GetPoint and SetPoint methods of Spel class.
Here are some Visual Basic examples:


Dim pt As New RCAPINet.SpelPoint(25.5, 100.3, -21, 0)  


Dim pt As New RCAPINet.SpelPoint  
pt.X = 25.5  
pt.Y = 100.3  
pt.Z = -21  


Dim pt As New RCAPINet.SpelPoint  
pt = m_spel.GetPoint("P*")  
pt.Y = 222  

Here are some Visual C# examples:

SpelPoint pt = new SpelPoint(25.5, 100.3,  -21, 0);  


SpelPoint pt = new SpelPoint();  
pt.X = 25.5;  
pt.Y = 100.3;  
pt.Z = -21;  


SpelPoint pt = new SpelPoint();  
pt = m_spel.GetPoint("P0");  
pt.Y = 222;  

SpelPoint Properties

VB Example:
X As Single
Y As Single
Z As Single
U As Single
V As Single
W As Single
R As Single
S As Single
T As Single
Hand As SpelHand
Elbow As SpelElbow
Wrist As SpelWrist
Local As Integer
J1Flag As Integer
J2Flag As Integer
J4Flag As Integer
J6Flag As Integer
J1Angle As Single
J4Angle As Single

C# Example:
float x
float y
float z
float u
float v
float w
float r
float s
float t
SpelHand Hand
SpelElbow Elbow
SpelWrist Wrist
int Local
int J1Flag
int J2Flag
int J4Flag
int J6Flag
float J1Angle
float J4Angle

SpelPoint Methods

Sub Clear ()
Clears all point data.

Sub New ()
The default constructor. Creates an empty point (all data is cleared).

Sub New (X As Single, Y As Single, Z As Single, U As Single [, V As Single] [, W As Single])
The optional constructor for a new point that specifies coordinates.

Function ToString([Format As String]) As String
Override for ToString that allows a Format to be specified. This returns the point as defined in SPEL+.

Format can be:

  • Empty:
    Returns all the points with all their coordinates and attributes
    "XY" Returns "XY(…)"
    "XYST" Returns "XY(…) :ST(…)"