Force coordinate system

A force coordinate system is a coordinate system in which the force functions are performed.
It is defined by translation directions (Fx, Fy, Fz) and rotating directions (Tx, Ty, Tz). Tx, Ty, and Tz represent a clockwise rotation in the positive directions of Fx, Fy, and Fz.

It is defined by the offset of the currently used tool coordinate system. Therefore, moving the robot or changing the tool settings changes the position and posture of the force coordinate system in the base coordinate system. For the force coordinate system, specify a position where a force is actually applied by contact, such as an edge of a workpiece.

  • In case of SPEL+ language:
    The force coordinate system is defined by the force coordinate object FCS. It is set by the FSet statement or in the Force panel in Robot Manager. The default force coordinate system is a coordinate system that is aligned with the selected tool coordinate system and is defined by FCS0. It cannot be changed.
  • In case of force guidance function:
    The force coordinate system is defined in the properties of the force guide sequence. It is set on the force guide window.