MeasuredHeight Result

Returns the distance traveled or the end point when executing the height detection sequence.

FGGet Sequence.Object.EndPos, rVar

  • Sequence
    Force guide sequence name or string variable representing force guide sequence name

  • Object
    Force guide sequence name or string variable representing force guide sequence name

  • rVar
    Real variable that shows a returned value

Detailed Explanation
Returns the distance traveled or the end point when executing the height detection sequence. If the ForceOrient property is set to “Tool” for the height detection sequence, this returns the distance traveled in the direction of detection from the motion start position to the motion end position for the height detection object. If the ForceOrient property is set to “Base” or “Local” for the height detection sequence, this is the position in the direction of detection set by the ContactOrient property for the height detection object as viewed from the coordinate system set by the ForceOrient property.

Usage Example
The following is an example of a simple program that acquires a result with FGGet.

Function MeasuredHeightTest

  Real rVar
  Motor On

  FGRun Sequence1
  FGGet Sequence1.MeasuredHeight, rVar  ' Acquire EndPos
  Print rVar


See Also
FGGet, height detection sequence