LED Control
The LED control is used to display I/O status.
To use the LED control
- Set the Text property to the name of the status.
- Set the IOType property.
You can choose from input, output, or memory I/O. - Set the IOBit property. This is the bit you want to display the status for.
For outputs, you can optionally allow the operator to double click on the LED control to toggle the output status. To do this, set the AllowStateChange property to True.
Setting LED Appearance
Use the BackColor, BorderStyle, ForeColor, Font, ImageAlign, and TextAlign properties to change the appearance of the LED.
You can also change the ImageOn and ImageOff properties to use the built-in color images, or you can provide your own images.
LED Control Properties
Property | Description |
AllowStateChange | Allows the operator to toggle output status Default: False |
BackColor | The background color for the control. Default: Control |
BorderStyle | The border used for the control. Default: None |
Enabled | Sets whether the control is enabled at runtime. Default: True |
EventTaskType | The type of task used for events. Default: Normal |
Font | The font for the control text. Default: Microsoft Sans Serif 8.25 pt |
FontBold | The bold attribute for the current font Default: False |
FontItalic | The italic attribute for the current font Default: False |
FontName | The name for the current font Default: Microsoft Sans Serif |
FontSize | The size for the current font in points Default: 8.25 |
ForeColor | The foreground color for the control text. Default: ControlText |
Height | The height of the control in pixels. |
ImageAlign | The picture alignment for the control. Default: MiddleLeft |
ImageOff | This sets the image displayed when the I/O status is off. Default: LedOff.ico |
ImageOn | This sets the image displayed when the I/O status is on. Default: LedRed.ico |
IOBit | Range: 0 to 9999 Default: 0 |
IOType | This sets the type of I/O to monitor. Default: Input |
Left | The left coordinate of the control in pixels. |
Name | The name of the control. Default: LedXX |
TabIndex | The tab index of the control. |
Text | The text of the control. Default: Name of control |
TextAlign | Selects the text alignment. Default: MiddleRight |
ToolTipText | The text used in the control’s tooltip. Default: Empty |
Top | The top coordinate of the control in pixels. |
Visible | Whether the control is visible or not at runtime. Default: True |
Width | The width of the control in pixels. |
LED Control Events
Event | Description |
DblClick | Executes when the user double clicks the control with the mouse. |