ListBox Control
A ListBox control displays a list of items from which the operator can select one or more.
Use the ListBox control to display a static list of items from which the operator can choose.
To add items to a list box
Use the AddItem property at runtime to add items to a listbox. This is normally done in the form load event.
GSet frmSetup.lstModels.AddItem, "Model1"
GSet frmSetup.lstModels.AddItem, "Model2"
GSet frmSetup.lstModels.AddItem, "Model3"
Optionally, you can have the list sorted by set the Sorted property to True.
To determine which item was selected
Use the SelectedIndex property to determine the user selection. If no item has been selected, then SelectedIndex is -1.
Integer index
GGet frmSetup.lstModels.SelectedIndex, index
The List array
You can access all of the items in a list using the List array property.
Integer i, count
String item$
GGet frmSetup.lstModels.ListCount, count
For i = 0 To count- 1
GGet frmSetup.lstModels.List(i), item$
Next i
You can delete an item by setting the List property to an empty string.
GSet frmSetup.lstModels.List(0), ""
Setting ListBox Appearance
Use the BorderStyle, ForeColor, BackColor, Font,
properties to change the appearance of the listbox.
Setting ListBox Appearance
Use the BorderStyle, ForeColor, BackColor, Font, properties to change the appearance of the listbox.
ListBox Control Properties
Property | Description |
AddItem | Adds an item to the list at runtime. (Only available from SPEL+ programs) |
BackColor | The background color for the control. Default: Window |
BorderStyle | The border used for the control. Default: Fixed3D |
Enabled | Sets whether the control is enabled at runtime. Default: True |
EventTaskType | The type of task used for events. Default: Normal |
Font | The font for the control text. Default: Microsoft Sans Serif 8.25 pt |
FontBold | The bold attribute for the current font Default: False |
FontItalic | The italic attribute for the current font Default: False |
FontName | The name for the current font Default: Microsoft Sans Serif |
FontSize | The size for the current font in points Default: 8.25 |
ForeColor | The foreground color for the control text. Default: WindowText |
Height | The height of the control in pixels. |
Left | The left coordinate of the control in pixels. |
List | Use to access the items in the list at runtime. (Only available from SPEL+ programs) |
ListCount | Use to get the number of items in the list at runtime. |
Name | The name of the control. Default: ListBoxXX |
SelectedIndex | Use to determine which item has been selected by the operator at runtime. (Only available from SPEL+ programs) |
Sorted | Sets whether to sort the items in the list or not. Default: False |
TabIndex | The tab index of the control. |
ToolTipText | The text used in the control’s tooltip. Default: Empty |
Top | The top coordinate of the control in pixels. |
Visible | Whether the control is visible or not at runtime. Default: True |
Width | The width of the control in pixels. |
ListBox Control Events
Event | Description |
Click | Executes when the user clicks the control with the mouse. |
DblClick | Executes when the user double clicks the control with the mouse. |