Work Envelope Setting by Pulse Range

Pulses are the basic unit of Manipulator motion. The motion range (work envelope) of the Manipulator is set by the pulse lower limit value and pulse upper limit value (pulse range) for each joint.
Pulse values are read from the encoder output of the servomotor.
For the maximum pulse range, refer to the following sections.
The pulse range must be set inside the mechanical stop settings.

  • Joint #1 Maximum Pulse Range
  • Joint #2 Maximum Pulse Range
  • Joint #3 Maximum Pulse Range
  • Joint #4 Maximum Pulse Range


Once the Manipulator receives a motion command, it checks whether the target position specified by the command is within the pulse range before operating. If the target position is outside of the pulse range that was set, an error occurs and the Manipulator does not move.

Go to [Tools] - [Robot Manager] - [Range] panel, and make the setting.
This can also be set using the Range statement in [Command Window].

Joint #1 Maximum Pulse Range

The 0 (zero) pulse position of Joint #1 is the position where Arm #1 is facing the positive (+) direction on the X-coordinate axis.
With the 0 pulse as a starting point, the counterclockwise pulse value is defined as positive (+), and the clockwise pulse value is defined as negative (-).

Table top mounting specifications

Arm Length (mm) Arm Shape
Straight Left-curved Right-curved
A: Max. motion range (deg.) 250 ±140 - -
350 -165/110 -110/165
B: Max. pulse range (pulse) 250 -1456356 to 6699236 - -
350 2184534 to 5825423 582543 to 7427414

Multiple mounting specifications

Arm Length (mm) Arm Shape
A: Max. motion range (deg.) 300 ±115
350 ±115
B: Max. pulse range (pulse) 300 -728178 to 5971058
350 -873814 to 6116694

Joint #2 Maximum Pulse Range

The 0 (zero) pulse position of Joint #2 is the position where Arm #2 is aligned with Arm #1. (The orientation of Arm #1 does not matter.) With the 0 pulse as a starting point, the counterclockwise pulse value is defined as positive (+), and the clockwise pulse value is defined as negative (-).

Table top mounting specifications

Arm Length (mm) Environmental Specifications Arm Shape
Straight Left-curved Right-curved
A: Max. motion range (deg.) 250 S, E ±141 - -
C ±137
300 S, E ±142
C ±141
350 S, E ±142 -165 to 120 -120 to 165
C -160 to 120 -120 to 160
B: Max. pulse range (pulse) 250 S, E -2566827 to 2566827 - -
C -2494009 to 2494009
300 S, E -2585032 to 2585032
C -2566827 to 2566827
350 S, E -2585032 to 2585032 -3003734 to 2184534 -2184534 to 3003734
C -2912712 to 2184534 -2184534 to 2912712

Multiple mounting specifications

Arm Length (mm) Arm Shape
A: Max. motion range (deg.) 300 ±135
350 ±142
B: Max. pulse range (pulse) 300 -2457600 to 2457600
350 -2585032 to 2585032

Joint #3 Maximum Pulse Range

The 0 (zero) pulse position of Joint #3 is the position where the shaft is at its upper limit. The pulse value is always negative because Joint #3 moves down from the 0 pulse position.

Symbol Description
a Upper limit: 0 pulse
Environmental Specifications
S, E C
Max. motion range(mm) -150 to 0 -120 to 0
Max. pulse range(pulse) -1706667 to 0 -1365334 to 0


For Manipulators with cleanroom & ESD specifications (GX4-A/GX4-B/GX4-C**1C*), the work envelope set using the Joint #3 mechanical stop cannot be changed.

Joint #4 Maximum Pulse Range

The 0 (zero) pulse position of Joint #4 is the position where the flat surface near the end of the shaft faces toward the end of Arm #2. (The orientation of Arm #2 does not matter.)
With the 0 pulse as a starting point, the counterclockwise pulse value is defined as positive (+), and the clockwise pulse value is defined as negative (-).

Symbol Description
a 0 pulse
All Models
Max. motion range (deg.) ±360
Max. pulse range (pulse) ±1310720