Brake Statement
Turns brake on or off for specified joint of the current robot.
Brake status, jointNumber
- Status
- The keyword On is used to turn the brake on.
- The keyword Off is used to turn the brake off.
- jointNumber
- Specify the joint number from 1 to 6.
The Brake command is used to turn brakes on or off for one joint of the 6-axis robot (including N series). It’s not available for SCARA Robot (include RS series).
This command is intended for use by maintenance personnel only.
When the Brake statement is executed, the robot control parameter is initialized. See Motor On for the details.
Use extreme caution when turning off a brake. Ensure that the joint is properly supported, otherwise the joint can fall and cause damage to the robot and personnel.
Before releasing the brake, be ready to use the emergency stop switch
When the controller is in emergency stop status, the motor brakes are locked. Be aware that the robot arm may fall by its own weight when the brake is turned off with Brake command.
See Also
Motor, Power, Reset, SFree, SLock
Brake Statement Example
> brake on, 1
> brake off, 1