Fine Statement

Specifies and displays the positioning accuracy for target points.

(1) Fine axis1, axis2, axis3, axis4 [, axis5, axis6] [, axis7] [, axis8, axis9]

(2) Fine


Specify the allowable positioning range of the joint 1 as an integer from 0 to 65535.
Specify the allowable positioning range of the joint 2 as an integer from 0 to 65535.
Specify the allowable positioning range of the joint 3 as an integer from 0 to 65535.
Specify the allowable positioning range of the joint 4 as an integer from 0 to 65535.
Optional. Integer expression ranging from (0 to 65535) which represents the allowable positioning error for the 5th joint. Only for the 6-axis robot (including N series).
Optional. Integer expression ranging from (0 to 65535) which represents the allowable positioning error for the 6th joint. Only for the 6-axis robot (including N series).
Optional. Integer expression ranging from (0 to 65535) which represents the allowable positioning error for the 7th joint. Only for the Joint type 7-axis robot.
Optional. Integer expression ranging from (0 to 65535) which represents the allowable positioning error for the 8th joint. Only for the additional S axis.
Optional. Integer expression ranging from (0 to 65535) which represents the allowable positioning error for the 9th joint. Only for the additional T axis.

*For C8, C12 series Manipulators, the allowable positioning error is from 0 to 131070.

Return Values
When used without parameters, Fine displays the current fine values for each axis.

Fine specifies, for each joint, the allowable positioning error for detecting completion of any given move.

This positioning completion check begins after the CPU has completed sending the target position pulse to the servo system. Due to servo delay, the robot will not yet have reached the target position. This check continues to be executed every few milliseconds until each joint has arrived within the specified range configuration. Positioning is considered complete when all axes have arrived within the specified ranges. Once positioning is complete program control is passed to the next statement, however, servo system keeps the control of the robot target position.

When relatively large ranges are used with the Fine instruction, the positioning will be confirmed relatively early in the move and executes the next statement.

The default Fine settings depend on the robot type. For more information, refer to the following manual:
"Manipulator Manual"


  • Cycle Times and the Fine Instruction

    The Fine value does not affect the acceleration or deceleration control of the manipulator arm. However, smaller Fine values can cause the system to run slower because it may take the servo system extra time (a few milliseconds) to get within the acceptable position range. Once the arm is located within the acceptable position range (defined by the Fine instruction), the CPU executes the next user instruction.

  • Initialization of Fine (by Motor On, SLock, SFree)

    When any of the following commands is used, the Fine value will be initialized to the default:
    SLock, SFree, Motor

    Make sure that you reset Fine values after one of the above commands is executed.

Potential Error

If Fine positioning is not completed within about 2 seconds, Error 4024 will occur. This error normally means the servo system balance needs to be adjusted.

See Also
Accel, AccelR, AccelS, Arc, Go, Jump, Move, Speed, SpeedR, SpeedS, Pulse, FineDist, FineStatus

Fine Statement Example
The examples below show the Fine statement used in a program function, and used from the monitor window.

Function finetest
    Fine 5, 5, 5, 5    'reduces precision to +/- 5 Pulse
    Go P1
    Go P2

> Fine 10, 10, 10, 10
> Fine
10, 10, 10, 10