FineDist Statement
Specifies and displays the positioning error limits. The unit of the setting value is “mm”.
(1) FineDist value
(2) FineDist
- value
- Positioning allowance ranges from 0.001 [mm] to 10 [mm].
Return Values
If the parameter is not specified, FineDist displays the current set value.
About the Controllers to use
It cannot be used with T/VT series.
Fine and FineDist
The difference between Fine and FineDist is the unit of the positioning check .
Fine statement sets the positioning check value in pulse, and the positioning check is performed on each axis.
FineDist statement sets the positioning check value in mm, and the positioning check is performed in the coordinate system of Tool number 0.
Fine and FineDist can be used at the same time. If Fine and FineDist are used in the program as shown below, the positioning check will be performed by FineDist.
(If the order of Fine and FineDist is reversed, Fine will perform the positioning check.)
Function test
Fine 5, 5, 5, 5
FineDist 0.1
Go P1
Go P2
Initialization of Fine (by Motor On, SLock, SFree)
When any of the following commands is used, the FineDist value will be initialized to the default and the positioning check will be performed by Fine:
SLock, SFree, MotorMake sure to reset the FineDist value after any of the above commands is executed.
Potential Error
If FineDist positioning is not completed within about 2 seconds, Error 4024 will occur. This error normally means the servo system balance needs to be adjusted.
See Also
Accel, AccelR, AccelS, Arc, Go, Jump, Move, Speed, SpeedR, SpeedS, Pulse, Fine, FineStatus
FineDist Statement Example
The example below show the FineDist statement used in a program function, and used from the monitor window.
Function fineDisttest
Fine 0.1 'Set precision to +/- 0.1 mm
Go P1
Go P2
> FineDist 0.1
> FineDist