MCal Statement

Executes machine calibration for robots with incremental encoders.


It is necessary to calibrate robots which have incremental encoders. This calibration must be executed after turning on the main power. If you attempt motion command execution, or any command which requires the current position data without first executing machine calibration, an error will occur.

Machine calibration is executed according to the moving joint order which is specified with the MCordr command. The default value of MCordr at the time of shipment differs from model to model, so refer to the following manual for details.
"Manipulator Manual"

Potential Errors

  • Attempt to Execution a Motion command without Executing Mcal First

    If you attempt motion command execution, or any command which requires the current position data ( e.g. Plist* instruction ) without first executing machine calibration, an error will occur.

  • Absolute encoder robots

    Absolute encoder robots do not need MCAL.

Robot Installation Note

  • Z Joint Space Required for Homing

    When the Z joint homes it first moves up and then moves down and settles into the home position. This means it is very important to properly install the robot so that enough space is provided for the arm to home the Z joint. It is recommended that a space of 6 mm be provided above the upper limit. (Do not install tooling or fixtures within a 6 mm space above the robot so enough room is left for proper Z joint homing.)

See Also
Hofs, Home, Hordr, Mcorg, MCordr

Mcal Statement Example

The following example is done from the monitor window:

> Motor On
> Mcal