MsgBox Statement

Displays a message in a dialog box and waits for the operator to choose a button.

MsgBox message$ [, type] [, title$] [, answer]


The message that will be displayed
Specify a number or expression representing the sum of the number and type of buttons to be displayed, the icon style, and the button heading. Epson RC+ includes predefined constants that can be used for this parameter.

Symbolic constant Value Meaning
MB_OK 0 Display OK button only.
MB_OKCANCEL 1 Display OK and cancel buttons.
MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE 2 Display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.
MB_YESNOCANCEL 3 Display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.
MB_YESNO 4 Display Yes and No buttons.
MB_RETRYCANCEL 5 Display Retry and Cancel buttons.
MB_ICONSTOP 16 Stop sign.
MB_ICONQUESTION 32 Question mark.
MB_ICONEXCLAMATION 64 Exclamation mark.
MB_DEFBUTTON1 0 First button is default.
MB_DEFBUTTON2 256 Second button is default.
Optional. String expression that is displayed in the title bar of the message box.
Specify a variable that accepts a value (integer) representing the user's choice. Epson RC+ includes predefined constants that can be used for this parameter. The table below shows the values returned in answer.
Symbolic constant Value Meaning
IDOK 1 OK button selected.
IDCANCEL 2 Cancel button selected.
IDABORT 3 Abort button selected.
IDRETRY 4 Retry button selected.
IDYES 6 Yes button selected.
IDNO 7 No button selected.

MsgBox automatically formats the message. If you want blank lines, use CRLF in the message. See the example.

See Also

MsgBox Statement Example
This example displays a message box that asks the operator if he/she wants to continue or not. The message box will display two buttons: Yes and No. A question mark icon will also be displayed. After MsgBox returns (after the operator clicks a button), then the answer is examined. If it's no, then all tasks are stopped with the Quit command.

Function msgtest
  String msg$, title$
  Integer mFlags, answer

  msg$ = Chr$(34) + "Operation complete" + Chr$(34) + CRLF
  msg$ = msg$ + "Ready to continue?"
  title$ = "Sample Application"
  MsgBox msg$, mFlags, title$, answer
  If answer = IDNO then
    Quit All

A picture of the message box that this code will create is shown below.

If the message$ and title$ of parameter contain a half-width comma ",", the string cannot be displayed correctly. Use a string that does not contain a half-width comma.