Weight Statement
Specifies or displays the weight setting for the robot arm.
Weight [payloadWeight [, {distance | S | T }]]
- payloadWeight
- Optional (It is not possible to omit only payloadWeight). The weight of the end effector to be carried in Kg unit.
- distance
- Optional. The distance from the rotational center of the second arm to the center of the gravity of the end effector in mm unit. Valid only for SCARA robots (including RS series).
- S
- Specifies the load weight for the additional axis S joint. (Unit: kg, two decimal places)
- T
- Specifies the load weight for the additional axis T joint. (Unit: kg, two decimal places)
Return Values
Displays the current Weight settings when parameters are omitted.
When [distance] is omitted, the entered [payloadWeight] will be set and the default value [distance] will be set.
It is not possible to omit only [payloadWeight].
Specifies parameters for calculating Point to Point motion maximum acceleration. The Weight instruction specifies the weight of the end effector and the parts to be carried. The Arm length (distance) specification is necessary only for SCARA robots (including RS series). It is the distance from the second arm rotation joint centerline to the hand/workpiece combined center of gravity. If the robot has the additional axis, the loads on the additional axis must be set with the S, T parameters.
If the equivalent value workpiece weight calculated from specified parameters exceeds the maximum allowable payload, an error occurs.
Robot parameter data is stored in compact flash in controller. Therefore, writing to command flash occurs when executing this command. Frequent writing to compact flash affect to lifetime of compact flash. We recommend to use this command minimally.
You can also set by following “Weight, Inertia, and Eccentricity/offset Measurement Utility”.
The following manual describes the details.
"Epson RC+ User’s Guide Weight, Inertia, and Eccentricity / Offset Measurement Utility"
Potential Errors
Weight Exceeds Maximum
When the equivalent load weight calculated from the value entered exceeds the maximum load weight, an error will occur.
Potential Damage to the Manipulator Arm
Take note that specifying a Weight hand weight significantly less than the actual workpiece weight can result in excessive acceleration and deceleration. These, in turn, may cause severe damage to the manipulator.
Weight Values Are Not Changed by Turning Main Power Off
The Weight values are not changed by turning power off. Once the value is set, the value is memorized in the controller.
When nothing is changed, it will remain at the previously set value.
See Also
Accel, Inertia
For details of hand, refer to the following manual:
"Hand Function"
Weight Statement Example
This Weight instruction on the Command window displays the current setting.
> weight
2.000, 200.000
Sets the hand weight (3 kg) with the Weight statement
Weight 3.0
Sets the load weight on the additional S axis (30 kg) with the Weight statement
Weight 30.0, S