TCSpeed Statement
Specifies the speed limit in the torque control.
TCSpeed [speed]
- speed
- Specify the proportion to the maximum speed (an integer from 1 to 100 / unit: %) as an expression or numeric value.
Under the torque control, the speed is limited to the TCSpeed setting despite of the speed settings of such as Speed command.
Error occurs if the speed goes over the limit in the torque control.
In any of the following cases, TCSpeed set value is initialized to 100%.
- Controller Startup
- Motor On
- SFree, SLock, Brake
- Reset, Reset Error
- Task end by STOP switch or Quit All
See Also
TC, TCLim, TCSpeed Function
TCSpeed Statement Example
Speed 5
Go ApproachPoint
'Set the Z axis torque limit to 20
TCLim -1, -1, 20, -1
'Set the speed under the torque control to 5%, the same as the Speed
TcSpeed 5
Go TargetPoint
Wait 3
Go ApproachPoint
TC Off
When a position error detected on Safety Board mounted controller
Change the program so that “current position of the robot” and “current target position of the robot” are not far apart.
Speed limiting using TCSpeed makes a gap between “current position of the robot” and “current target position of the robot”. Do not use TCSpeed, or if you want to use it, be sure that the value is the same as Speed.
If they are far apart, the Safety Board detects failure, and “Erorr No.9801 Detected a position error by the Safety Board.” error occurs. (Only for controllers mounting the Safety Board.)
For more details, refer to TC Statement.