TaskInfo$ Function

Returns text information for a task.

TaskInfo$( taskIdentifier, index)


Specify the task name or task number as an integer value. A task name is the function name used in an Xqt statement or a function started from the Run window or Operator window.
Task number (integer) range is as follows:

  • Normal tasks: 1 to 32
  • Background task: 65 to 80
  • Trap tasks: 257 to 267
Specify the index of the information to be retrieved as an integer value.

Return Values
A string containing the specified information.

The following table shows the information that can be retrieved using TaskInfo$:

Index Description
0 Task name
1 Start date / time
2 Name of function currently executing
3 Line number in the program file that contains the function

See Also
CtrlInfo, RobotInfo, TaskInfo

TaskInfo$ Function Example

Print "Task 1 started: "TaskInfo$(1, 1)