CtrlInfo Function

Returns controller information.

CtrlInfo (index)


Specify the index of the information to be retrieved as an integer value.

The following table shows the information that is available from the CtrlInfo function:

Index Bit Value Description
0 N/A

Obtained for compatibility.

Use index 9 to get the firmware version of the controller.

1 Controller status
0 &H1 Ready state
1 &H2 Start state
2 &H4 Pause state
3-7 Undefined
8 &H100 Estop state
9 &H200 Safeguard open
10 &H400 Error state
11 &H800 Critical error state
12 &H1000 Warning
13 &H2000 WaitRecover state (Waiting for recover from safeguard open)
14 &H4000 Recover state (Recovering from the safeguard open)
15-31 Undefined
2 0 &H1 Enable switch of TP is on
1-31 Undefined
3 0 &H1 Teach mode circuit problem detected
1 &H2 Safeguard circuit problem detected
2 &H4 Estop circuit problem detected
3-31 Undefined
4 N/A
  • 0 - Normal mode
  • 1 - Dry run mode
5 N/A Control device
  • 21 - RC+
  • 22 - REMOTE
  • 26 - Remote Ethernet
  • 29 - Remote RS232C
  • 20 - TP4
6 N/A Number of defined robots
7 N/A Operation Mode:
  • 0 - Programming Mode
  • 1 - AUTO Mode
8 N/A Undefined
9 N/A

Controller firmware version

Major No.*1000000 + Minor No.*10000 + Rev No.*100 + Build No.

(Example) Version is 1060204

10 N/A SMART status of hard disk
  • 0 : SMART status is normal
  • 1 : SMART status is not normal

If SMART status is not normal, the hard disk can be broken. You need to back up the data promptly and replace the hard disk with new one.

When using the RAID option, you cannot use the SMART status, it always returns that it is normal.

15 N/A

Input DC Voltage

The program returns the value 100 times greater than the input value.

For example, when the input value is 48.01 V, it returns 4801.

Note that an error occurs if Controller does not support DC power supply.

16 N/A PLC vendor type
  • 0: None
  • 1: Allen Bradley
  • 2: CODESYS

Return Values
Long value of the desired data

See Also
RobotInfo, TaskInfo

CtrlInfo Function Example

Print "The controller version: ", CtrlInfo(6)